Administration Panel

Administration Panel

Latest version: 1.1.0 - Final for CB 1.8, Spigot 1.8!
Spigot Created BuildTools and now you can have 1.8 version of bukkit, craftbukkit and spigot! I will slowly continue on developing bukkit plugins and when all this reaches a good stadium, where I know I'm safe to continue developing, I will create Administration Panel 3! Tell me all your ideas and things you'd like to have or not and what so ever! I'm open to everything, more about this in my comment bellow


Renamed to Administration Toolkit!

Moved to Spigot!


Administration Panel 3 Progress - FINISHED



This plugin is a must have for your whole staff!
It's so annoying writing those long boring commands... With this plugin you will get a huge, customizable, great and sexy looking GUI for all your admins! Now, thanks to the recoded version (Versions with a 'r' at the end), it is even more extensible and cooler!

You can kick, ban, teleport, mute, freeze players, change your gamemode, ghostmode, change the weather, time, broadcast messages, include reasons for doing so, see informations about players like their Health, Food, XP/Level, Gamemode, Ghostmode, Fly mode, IP.... and for each of this feature you can have your custom permissions, to let all of your staff use this, not just people with full rights for everything. (For example if you have a moderator which shouldn't be able to ban, just don't give him the permission to see the ban button in the GUI!).

And do you know what is cool, too? You have many, but REALLY easy configuration files, where you can configure all the items in the GUI. Change their title, change their lore, change their slot where they are and much more!

All above you can do with this ONE simple plugin, without any dependencies! Still not enough for you!? Suggest your awesome ideas and I will try to do my best to implement them. Plenty of Administration Panel users have already got their wishes fullfilled!
So what are you waiting for? SMASH that download button! ;)


  • Administration Panel - easy, quick and cool administration of your players.
  • Highly customizable - Like in all of my plugins, I try to make the plugin as configurable as possible so it fits the needs of everyone.
  • Current admin functions:
    • Teleport to player...
    • Teleport player/s to you....
    • Kick player/s...
      • With reasons!
    • Ban player/s...
      • With reasons, also!
    • Freeze player/s...
      • Again... with Reasons!
    • Mute player/s...
    • World Options
      • Changing weather
      • Changing Time
      • Changing Player-time
    • Changing your gamemode
    • Changing your ghostmode (vanish)
    • Broadcasting messages
    • Player Informations
      • Health
      • Food
      • XP / Level
      • Gamemode
      • Ghostmode
      • Fly mode
      • IP
      • Chest See
      • Enderchest see
      • Kick player
      • Ban player
    • Many functions have also an "everyone" option, to for example mute all online players!
    • Custom Commands GUI
    • Item Giver
    • Portable Crafting Table
  • Custom Reasons (Up to 54!)

Commands & Permissions

Command Permission Description
/administrationpanel ; /acp ; /ap AdministrationPanel.use Open the administration panel
/ap <player> AdministrationPanel.use Opens the adminpanel to interact with the given player. (You will skip the player selection and instead have selected the player you have specified.)
/infotool ; /info ; /it AdministrationPanel.infotool.spawn de/spawns the info tool.

List of all types

Example Config

As of the recoded version, this plugin has multiple configuration files to make it easier for you to look through and customize the plugin to fit your needs. Please continue to this page, where I will describe each single configuration file and give some examples.


Use the ticket system! Stack traces in the comments are going to be ignored and deleted!

Incompatible plugins

Administration Panel does not really have incompatible plugins, but if you have a plugin which adds GUIs to your server, make sure the names of your GUIs and the GUIs from the other plugin are NOT same, because one of the plugins won't work properly, then.


I would be grateful if you would give me some suggestions to improve this plugin!


  • Temp. Bans
  • Teleport players to players. (Other players to other players)
  • Admin Chest!
  • Teleport to custom location, you can set your own!
  • What else you guys wish!

Video Showcase

Showcase of version 0.2.0r
by ltjim007

Showcase of version 0.1.0r
by VariationVault

Showcase of AP2.
by ServerMiner

Showcase of version 0.1.0r
by FeerBreezy

Showcase of the very old version 0.1.0 (not the recoded version)
by ltjim007


  • Q: Latest versions says a newer version, but I can't download it?
    A: It is probably still beeing approved by bukkit. Please wait until bukkit approves it.


Reach 100 Downloads - Thank you all for your support, my first 100 downloads reached! You are all awesome, next stop at 200! ;)
Reach 200 Downloads - Again, THANK YOU very much! Never thought that I could reach so many downloads so fast!
Reach 500 Downloads - Oh my god! 500!! AWESOMEE! Prepare for the recoded, bigger, cooler version!
Reach 1000 Downloads - Haha! We did it! Everything just because of your great support! Will we reach 2000 downloads?
Reach 2000 Downloads
Reach 5000 Downloads

Other Plugins:

Informative - Get many useful informations about your players, now also with blocks!
uReview - Simple and powerful reviewing plugin for your server! The opinion of your users counts!
QuickSupport - Support your players quickly, easily and with Style! Nice looking boss-bars adds a cool look to your messages!
ItemShowcase - Secure trading! Noone will steal anything from you anymore!
McRoleplay - A highly customizable and huge RPG Plugin. Check it out!
MassiveFireworks - A little plugin which lets you create as many fireworks as you want.

Recoded version

Previous Poll results


My work and the constant developing of plugins and keeping them up-to-date is a very time-consuming and efforting task. I spend a lot of my free time into that. If you'd like to appreciate this work, please donate. Every single € helps!
You can chose yourself how much you want to donate, but for +5€, your server gets added to the featured servers on all of my plugins. Additionally, if you register on my website, you also get exclusive access to my other not-released, but fully functional plugins!
To donate, simply click at the "Donate" button right below.



File Name Status Version Downloads Date
Administration Panel 2 v1.1.0 - Final R 1.8.1 125,799 03/01/2015
Administration Panel 1.0.2 R CB 1.7.9-R0.1 36,501 09/07/2014
Administration Panel v1.0.0 (Pre-Release) R 1.7.4 21,535 31/03/2014
Administration Panel 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
Administration Panel 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
Administration Panel Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
Administration Panel Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
Administration Panel
Administration Panel

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