

What is AdvancedLogFiles?

AdvancedLogFiles (short: ALF) is a highly customizable logging plugin, which allows you to configure 100% of all its features, such as permissions, messages, logging options and much more! AdvancedLogFiles only uses .yml and .txt files, which means that you don't need any database (e.g. MySQL)!


  • Use one big global log file or a new log file every day!
  • Create player log files with UUID support!
  • Toggle every supported* loggable action on and off!
  • Customize every single log line & message!
  • No extra plugins/databases needed!
  • Well documented config for easy understanding!
  • and even more!

supported: There are currently 10 supported actions, such as player join, player chat, etc. - There will be more supported actions if there are people who would love to have more.


1. Download this plugin.

2. Put it in your plugins folder and reload/restart your server (Make a copy of your config with /alm copyconfig if you install a new version!).

3. Configure the plugin like you want in the config.yml.

4. You are done! You are now able to have a better overview over your server and your players' actions! You can also use /alm to get a short list of available commands about the plugin. Have fun!


• /advancedlogfiles (Aliases: alm, advancedlf, alogfiles, advlogfiles, advlf, advancedlogs, advlogs)

► Permission: "advancedlogfiles.command" (you can change this in the config.yml to whatever you want!)


The plugin is highly customizable and every message is changeable. You can use placeholders as %player% to replace it for the player name. If you want to achieve small files, I would recommend you to create very short log files with only needed information as time, playername and coordinates. Good luck!

# AdvancedLogFiles - created by Michey
# Version: 1.0.0 - config.yml

# Do you want to enable debug messages in your console on actions of the plugin?
# This is set to 'false' by default.
enable_debug_messages: false

# This option allows the plugin to send you colored messages in the console!
# This is set to 'true' by default.
use_console_colors: true

# Which formatting do you want to use for every single log?
# More (custom) formatting is on its way.
# Put 'american' for month/day/year (MM/dd/yyyy).
# Put 'standard' for day/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy).
# Example (american): "09/13/2016.txt" in folder "plugins/AdvancedLogFiles/logs"
# Example (standard): "13/09/2016.txt" in folder "plugins/AdvancedLogFiles/logs"
# This is set to 'standard' by default.
date_format: "standard"

# Do you want to use one single log for every logged action?
# If not, the plugin will create a log file for every single day.
# This is set to 'false' by default.
use_global_log: false

# Do you want the plugin to create an EXTRA log file for every single player who joins the server?
# Example (name): "Notch.txt" in folder "plugins/AdvancedLogFiles/playerlogs"
# Example (UUID): "069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5.txt" in folder "plugins/AdvancedLogFiles/playerlogs"
# This is set to 'false' by default (to avoid taking much space, maybe even lag).
create_player_files: false
# Do you want to use UUIDs instead of player names for the individual log files?
# This is set to 'true' by default.
use_uuid: true

# Here you are able to allow the plugin to log every single action of the server/of the players.
  player_chat: true
  player_command: true
  player_join: true
  player_quit: true
  player_blockbreak: true
  player_blockplace: true
  player_death: true
  player_itemdrop: true
  player_itempickup: true
  player_teleport: true

# Here you are able to configure every permission of the plugin.
  # That's the permission for the /advancedlogfiles command.
  command_advancedlogfiles: "advancedlogfiles.command"

# Here you are able to configure every message of the plugin.
  # This message is returned when the player tries to execute /alm without permission.
  command_no_permission: "&cYou have no permission to execute that command!"
  # This message is returned when the player executes /alm reload with permission.
  command_reload: "&aYou have successfully reloaded the config!"
  # This message is returned when the player executes /alm copyconfig with permission.
  command_copyconfig: "&aYou have successfully copied config.yml to config_copy.yml"

# Set the formatting for every logged action in your log files.
# You can use placeholders like %player% to replace it for the playername.
# Placeholders for every single action:
# %localtime% -> Returns local computer time (example: "15:35:02") (hour:minute:second)
# %player% -> Returns the player's name (example: "Notch")
# %playeruuid% -> Returns the player's UUID (example: "069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5")
  # Placeholders for player_chat:
  # %playermessage% -> Returns the player's written message (example: "Hi, guys! I'm new!")
  player_chat: "[%localtime%] %player% said: %playermessage%"
  # Placeholders for player_command:
  # %playercommand% -> Returns the player's used command (example: "/spawn")
  player_command: "[%localtime%] %player% used the command: %playercommand%"
  # %playerworld% -> Returns the player's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %playerx% -> Returns the player's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %playery% -> Returns the player's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %playerz% -> Returns the player's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  player_join: "[%localtime%] %player% joined the server."
  # %playerworld% -> Returns the player's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %playerx% -> Returns the player's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %playery% -> Returns the player's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %playerz% -> Returns the player's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  player_quit: "[%localtime%] %player% left the server."
  # Placeholders for player_blockbreak:
  # %block% -> Returns the block which got destroyed (example: "SAPLING")
  # %blockworld% -> Returns the block's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %blockx% -> Returns the block's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %blocky% -> Returns the block's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %blockz% -> Returns the block's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  player_blockbreak: "[%localtime%] %player% destroyed the block: %block% at World: %blockworld%, X: %blockx%, Y: %blocky%, Z: %blockz%"
  # Placeholders for player_blockplace:
  # %block% -> Returns the block which got placed (example: "SAPLING")
  # %blockworld% -> Returns the block's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %blockx% -> Returns the block's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %blocky% -> Returns the block's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %blockz% -> Returns the block's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  player_blockplace: "[%localtime%] %player% placed the block: %block% at World: %blockworld%, X: %blockx%, Y: %blocky%, Z: %blockz%"
  # Placeholders for player_death:
  # %playerdeathworld% -> Returns the player's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %playerdeathx% -> Returns the player's X coordiante (example: 123)
  # %playerdeathy% -> Returns the player's Y coordiante (example: 64)
  # %playerdeathz% -> Returns the player's Z coordiante (example: 456)
  player_death: "[%localtime%] %player% died at World: %playerdeathworld%, X: %playerdeathx%, Y: %playerdeathy%, Z: %playerdeathz%"
  # Placeholders for player_itemdrop:
  # %itemname% -> Returns the name of the item which got dropped (example: GRASS)
  # %itemamount% -> Returns the amount of the item which got dropped (example: 64)
  # %itemdurability% -> Returns the durability of the item which got dropped (example: 14)
  # %itemenchantments% -> Returns the enchantments of the item which got dropped (example: [sharpness 5, unbreaking 2])
  # %playerworld% -> Returns the player's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %playerx% -> Returns the player's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %playery% -> Returns the player's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %playerz% -> Returns the player's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  player_itemdrop: "[%localtime%] %player% dropped %itemamount% of the item %itemname% with the durability %itemdurability% and the enchantments %itemenchantments% at World: %playerworld%, X: %playerx%, Y: %playery%, Z: %playerz%"
  # Placeholders for player_itempickup:
  # %itemname% -> Returns the name of the item which got picked up (example: GRASS)
  # %itemamount% -> Returns the amount of the item which got picked up (example: 64)
  # %itemdurability% -> Returns the durability of the item which got picked up (example: 14)
  # %itemenchantments% -> Returns the enchantments of the item which got picked up (example: [sharpness 5, unbreaking 2])
  # %playerworld% -> Returns the player's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %playerx% -> Returns the player's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %playery% -> Returns the player's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %playerz% -> Returns the player's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  player_itempickup: "[%localtime%] %player% picked up %itemamount% of the item %itemname% with the durability %itemdurability% and the enchantments %itemenchantments% at World: %playerworld%, X: %playerx%, Y: %playery%, Z: %playerz%"
  # Placeholders for player_teleport:
  # %playerworld% -> Returns the player's world name (example: world_nether)
  # %playerx% -> Returns the player's X coordinate (example: 123)
  # %playery% -> Returns the player's Y coordinate (example: 64)
  # %playerz% -> Returns the player's Z coordinate (example: 456)
  # %newworld% -> Returns the player's new world name (example: world_the_end)
  # %newx% -> Returns the player's new X coordinate (example: 246)
  # %newy% -> Returns the player's new Y coordinate (example: 128)
  # %newz% -> Returns the player's new Z coordinate (example: 912)
  # %reason% -> Returns the teleport reason (example: $)
  player_teleport: "[%localtime%] %player% teleported from World: %playerworld%, X: %playerx%, Y: %playery%, Z: %playerz% to World: %newworld%, X: %newx%, Y: %newy%, Z: %newz% because of %reason%"

Plugin In Action

I use this plugin in a changed form on my (german) Server:

Of course it's not that easy to show that plugin ingame, but you can see an example log file of a player for that case:


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
AdvancedLogFiles 1.0.0 R 1.10 111 15/09/2016
AdvancedLogFiles 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
AdvancedLogFiles Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating

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