
SchwarzerZylinder, you can transfer the ownership to dmitchell. Just leave me as a former author. Then again, I never really got around to releasing any updates, did I? Just transfer the ownership. -MYCRAFTisbest

You all know this: You are ingame and want to use a command, but you have to enter it in the console.

With this plugin, you can use them ingame anyway! Just type in /ccmd and your command and it will be executed just as you would type it directly to the console.


  • /ccmd <command> - Executes the given command on the server console


  • consolecommand.cmd - Allows you to use the plugin



Looking for developers to take over this project

As you can read in the title, I am looking for somebody who can take over this project. I don't have enough time to provide a nice support and have changed my priorities to other projects. If you are a programmer you can download the source code (It's in the jar) and modify it as you want. If you want to officially take over this project and guarantee a good support, pm me.
Thanks to all of you for the great feedback and ideas! I will never forget Bukkit =)


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
ConsoleCommand 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
ConsoleCommand Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating

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