Detective Conan Chap 960

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Detective Conan Chapter 960 [Raw & English Version]

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Spoilers for unreleased chapter below
No break next week. File 961 on June 1st
Chapter to be officially released on May 25th

Conan & Heiji put off the fires and meet with the others to tell them about what they've found.

Archeologoist: "Hmpf... Thought it was but a bottle... But I wasn't expecting it to be a real monster..."

He says something fishy.

Ran & Kazuha called the police but they won't come immediately because they're in a pretty far location: the historian's corpse had some scars that looked like a monster had done them.

The claw-cuts were to give off the impresion yet, out of the 4 cuts, there's only one which caused the death. Heiji directs the brunt at the Mayor saying he's the only who coul've done it yet he denies it and says he got a letter that asked of him to summon the victim and the other 3 here. There also was a letter telling about the famed notebook, the funds and the cave-in accident.

The Mayor admits that the letter instructed in which rooms everyone would lodge: Ran & Kazuha fear there's some setup to their room and say they want to change it. When the novelist hears that the room used to belong to the miner who died in the cave-in she looks interested but the archaeologist offers to exchange rooms because he doesn't want the girls to have fear.

The writer also says he wants to change to a room in the 3rd floor.

Heiji: "I don't care but don't come outta ya room! If ya do so I'll assume ya are the culprit!"

Heiji & Conan stay at the arson scene to keep an eye on the windows when everyone's gone back.

Mayor: "I'll go check all rooms... Even if that monster shows up again... We'll fend it off together!"

Conan & Heiji would've preffered for the Mayor to stay put but come to these they call for the other 3 and ask them their reasons for coming here.

The archaelogist wanted to achieve a carreer like that of the "Godly hand Fujimura Shinichi".

The novelist is famous for her novels about monsters and, as a gruadate of an art college, and shows interested in choosing shooting locations and handling the decoration in case her works were to be adapted into a TV series.

Althought she's unrelated to the buried treasure the mysterious letter instructed for the Mayor to summon her to turn the whole monster story more exciting.

The victim was a historian specialist in the buried treasure topic yet Conan brings up something he finds ood: why was the writer called as well? He isn't famous to begin with: the Mayor isn't sure either because the letter only said "a fledging report writer".

In the meanwhile the writer is drinking cola from the can and keeping an eye out from the window.

The survivors of the cave-in accident vanished and their names are unknown so Hattori seems to be thinking of something. He himself is a pinch hitter in Kogoro's place (who's been discarded due to financial difficulty) and Shinichi's (whereabouts unknown).

The letter Hattori got also mentioned Ran so he doesn't think it's a coincidence. Conan asks why out of all garden trees one of them is a different species but the Mayor hasn't come too often to this hotel so he doesn't know.

Hattori steps over the cinders of a stick which has a cloth-like item attached to it: the novelist opens her window.

Novelist: "You're being loud! Let me sleep!"

When she complains to the group the writer replies from above that he doesn't care for the noise and backs Conan & co.

Conan and Heiji decide they lack info so they suggest going to meet the writer but the "nue's cry" rings out again.

The flames, which should've been put out, surround them and the archaeologist's scream rings out from the hotel.

Supposedly only the Mayor has the spare key but Conan & Heiji go and bang the archaeologist's door yet he doesn't open it.

The Mayor takes a while to meet up with them and bring the spare key: they enter the room and find the archaeologist dead.

There are 2 red spots below the vic's chin which look like he was bitten by a snake.

A new closed room murder... Could it be that there's really a "nue" out there?

Side-note: "A 2nd murder has finally happened... A "snake" comes next after the "tiger"... What'll happen to these serial murders...!?

Detective Conan Chap 960
Detective Conan Chap 960

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