Friend Actions

This is my first plugin, I hope you will enjoy it...


Compatible with 1.9.4, 1.10.x, 1.11.x


This Plugin will add some really simple Commands for your server.

  • Go to a player and type one of the commands and you will get an effect, based on the Action you started.
  • There are Particles and Sounds, too.
  • Really simple Configuration-File
  • Really simple Permissions
  • You must not have all of the commands. If you wish to deactivate any command go to the Config-File
  • Use Colorcodes in your Config
  • Now with a small GUI
  • Information if there is a new Update of this Plugin


  • ~ true - The Plugin will show a message if it is up to date or not
  • ~ false - The Plugin will not look for updates
  • settings.enabled.main:
  • ~ true - The Plugin is enabled and can be used
  • ~ false - The Plugin is disabled and it can't be used
  • ~ ~ If something is wrong in the Config.yml, the Plugin switch this option to false
  • settings.enabled.<command>:
  • ~ true - The Command is enabled and can be used
  • ~ false - The Command is disabled and it can't be used
  • settings.effects.must_have_permission:
  • ~ ALONE - If you have Permission, you get an effect
  • ~ SENDER - If the Command-Sender has the Permission, everybody get an effect
  • ~ ONE - If one of the players has the Permission, everybody get an effect
  • ~ EVERYBODY - Only if all Players have the Permission, everybody get an effect
  • ~ NOBODY - The effects are always enabled
  • ~ NEVER - Effects will be disabled
  • settings.gui.<command>.itemname:
  • ~ Select a name for the item in the GUI
  • settings.gui.<command>.itemlore:
  • ~ Select a description for the item in the GUI
  • ~ The {counts}-Block will be replaced through the plugin
  • ~ You can remove it if you do not want to display the counts
  • settings.gui.disabled.itemname:
  • ~ Select a name for the item which is displayed in the GUI if any Command is disabled
  • settings.gui.disabled.itemlore:
  • ~ Select a description for the item which is displayed in the GUI if any Command is disabled
  • messages.<messagegroup>.<message>:
  • ~ Here you can change the Output of the Plugin.
  • ~ You can use Colorcodes like &d
  • ~ The {<text>}-Blocks will be replaced through the plugin. DO NOT CHANGE THEM


  • /hug Hug the nearest Player (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /grouphug Hug all players in your near (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /hugcount How much players have hugged each-other?
  • /kiss Kiss the nearest Player (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /kisscount How much players have kissed each-other?
  • /pounce Pounce nearest Player (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /pouncecount How much players have pounced each-other?
  • /poke Poke nearest Player (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /pokecount How much Players have poked each-other?
  • /slap Give the nearest Player a slap (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /slapcount How much Players gave each-other a slap?
  • /lick Lick nearest Player (max. 2 Blocks)
  • /lickcount How much Players have poked each-other?
  • /friendactions Open GUI (Aliases: /fa, /fagui, /faopen)


  • /hug and /grouphug will fill all your hearts
  • /kiss will fill your hungerbar
  • /pounce gives the sender an Jumpboost and the partner Slowness
  • /poke gives the players a Jumpboost
  • /slap gives the sender a Speed effect and the partner damage (won't kill him)
  • /lick gives the sender a Speed effect and the partner confusion

WARNING: don't give the friendactions.<command>.effect-Permission in PvP-Areas


  • friendactions.grouphug.command: Gives permission to use /grouphug
  • friendactions.grouphug.effect: Gives permission to heal by using /grouphug
  • friendactions.hug.command: Gives permission to use /hug
  • friendactions.hug.effect: Gives permission to heal by using /hug
  • friendactions.hugcount: Gives permission to use /hugcount
  • friendactions.kiss.command: Gives permission to use /kiss
  • friendactions.kiss.effect: Gives permission to feed by using /kiss
  • friendactions.kisscount: Gives permission to use /kisscount
  • friendactions.pounce.command: Gives permission to use /pounce
  • friendactions.pounce.effect: Gives permission to get effects by using /pounce
  • friendactions.pouncecount: Gives permission to use /pouncecount
  • friendactions.poke.command: Gives permission to use /poke
  • friendactions.poke.effect: Gives permission to get effects by using /poke
  • friendactions.pokecount: Gives permission to use /pokecount
  • friendactions.slap.command: Gives permission to use /slap
  • friendactions.slap.effect: Gives permission to get effects by using /slap
  • friendactions.slapcount: Gives permission to use /slapcount
  • friendactions.lick.command: Gives permission to use /lick
  • friendactions.lick.effect: Gives permission to get effects by using /lick
  • friendactions.lickcount: Gives permission to use /lickcount
  • friendactions.gui: Gives permission to open the FA-GUI
  • friendactions.updateinfo: Send a message if the Plugin is out of date

On default you don't have any permission if you are not OP


  • add WorldGuardAPI-Requests
  • No idea (if you have one, post it)

About the Updater

The Updater will check if you have the newest version of this plugin. It will not download or install it. There is only a message in the Console (and in the Chat if you have the permission) of the server...


If you have any ideas which Actions I should implement then send your idea to me and I will add it to the plugin

I hope you can understand what I've wrote cause my english isn't very good... (I'm German)


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
FriendActions v2.0 R 1.10 +1 2,021 09/10/2016
FriendActions v1.4 R 1.10 177 21/09/2016
Friend Actions 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
Friend Actions 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
Friend Actions Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
Friend Actions Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
Friend Actions
Friend Actions

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