TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!

Hey everyone! I started working on a little mod which adds a awesome feature from another well known game, Team Fortress 2. If you've played TF2 for enough time, you will know that you can get Strange, Unusual and Vintage items. I felt like this feature would be awesome in Minecraft, so I used my programming knowledge to add it.

Just letting you know, this is a WIP mod, so I am still adding and fixing stuff. It is really awesome though.


== NEW IN VERSION 1.1 ==

* Fixed a bug where killing mobs without a item in hand crashed the game
* Fixed a bug where using the strangify command more than once on a single item caused duplicate prefixes
- Added Genuine rank
- Added 3 new unusual effects (detailed below)
- You can list unusual effects by typing /strangify listeffects
- Color codes on command messages
- Command doesn't erase enchantments
- Improved type parsing system (not very important to users)


* Strange items with ranks and kill count
* Unusual items with effects (WIP)
* Vintage & Genuine items
* Compatibility without mod (kill count and effects won't work)
* /strangify command to make any item Strange, Vintage, Unusual or Genuine


* More effects
* Way to strangify items in Survival


Usage: /strangify [unusual effect]

To strangify an item, hold them in your hand and use the command.
To do that, type /strangify followed by the item type you want.
These are strange, unusual and vintage.
If you are making an unusual item, you can also specify a effect for the item.

Like this: /strangify unusual

The effects right now are:
bubbling (WIP)


* Using the /strangify command on a single item more than once adds spaces between prefix and item name


1. Run Minecraft 1.6.4 once, then close
2. Get the latest MinecraftForge installer
3. Run the installer and install the client
4. Run forge once, then close
5. Navigate to your mods folder
6. Download the mod
7. Drag the mod file into your mods folder
8. I bet you didn't notice I skipped Step 4
9. You are checking to see if this is true
10. It is not
11. Start up Minecraft again with Forge
12. Enjoy!


Any mod developers out there who are wondering how I did it? Two big things made this possible: @ForgeSubscribe Events and NBT.

I changed the names and gave the items descriptions with NBT and the effects and kill counters are done with @ForgeSubscribe events.

I will upload this mod to GitHub, but only when I get time


Thanks for your interest and happy crafting!


TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items! Screenshots

TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!
TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!
TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!
TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!
TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!


TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!
TF2 STRANGES - Strange, Unusual and Vintage Items!

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