customTRAIN 1.19.2

Add your own TRAIN by tagging them as "mod:train" or "forge:traincar" to let them drive on the tracks in this MOD.

Future plans:
turntable (that thing where the trains go wuiiiii, that rotating thing)
more train models (you can add your own but i want to provide any way)
better train ai
more signals
custom sounds
particles (custom smoke and sparks)
placeable train realated buildings (like smal stations,etc)
more track variants (copper,gold,etc)

work in progress border_color

better track templates (they are pretty "blocky")
custom GUI´s (so you can add fuel or repair trains idk yet)
driving up and down

If you have any ideas or questions or other fell free to write a comment


way markers
station decoration

crafting recepies for tracks
crossing signal
train counter
station sign (no function yet)
wooden boards (all wood types to customize Track)
new train (4 versions)

straight Track one way 1m
straight Track one way 5m
straight Track both ways 1m
detector Track 3m
stop Track 3m
stop Track 1m
180deg rotater Track 3m
crossing Track 3m
split Track left 3m
split Track right 3m
merge Track 3m
join Track left 3m
join Track right 3m
curve one way left 5m
curve one way right 5m

free form Track creator Tool (create Track in any shape and angle)

switch signal (place next to custom Track switch to change mode)
main signal (works like a traffic light)
hint signal

steam Train
steam Train prop
rail bus (7 colors)

customTRAIN 1.19.2 Screenshots

customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2


customTRAIN 1.19.2
customTRAIN 1.19.2

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