Mutated Mobs Mod

Mutated Mobs is a mod that fuses two entities into one strong being .

Currently mod adds 36 mutant to the game, 25 hostile and 7 neutral and 4 passive.
Every mob gets some unique attribute or ability of both previous creatures, so be aware of that!


Blaze Skeleton:

- Has 50 hp.
- Immune to fire.
- Shoots Flaming Arrows.
- Can Fly & No fall Damage.
- Deals extra damage to burning enemy.
- Can be killed by water.

- Drops Blaze rods, Bones, Arrows.

Ender Golem:

- Has 140 hp.
- No fall damage.
- Can pickup and throw tnt.
- Can pickup any usefull or rare block.
- Acts same as iron golem.
- Can teleport around.
- Is immune to water & projectiles.
- Will attack you if you look at him.

- Drops Ender Pearls.

Ender Skeleton:

- Has 60 hp.
- Teleports around like enderman.
- Can spawn with melee weapon or a bow.
- Doesn't burn on day time.
- Can teleport around.
- Drops Bones, Arrows, Ender pearls.


- Has 36 hp.
- Is immune to fire.
- When angry will charge at his enemy.
- Comes in two different forms, child and grown up.
- Neutral by default.
- Will leap at target as a spider.
- Can climb walls.
- Drops Gold nuggets, String, Spider Eyes, Golden Sword.

Shulker Ghast:

- Has 40 hp.
- Acts same as a ghast.
- Also will shoot out up to 10 Shulker bullets.
- 2x Smaller then the ghast.
- Drops Ghast Tears.

Slime Creeper:

- Has 4 hp * Current Size.
- Acts same as a creeper.
- Explosion radius depends on current size.
- Will split into smaller slime creepers on death.
- Has 2 times faster speed then original creeper.
- Drops Slimeballs, Gun powder.

Spider Guardian:

- 50hp
- Will reflect 1.25x damage on melee attack.
- Can climb walls and swim fast in water.
- Will give Nausea, Slowness and Mining Fatigue on attack.
- Attacks melee.
- Hates Squids, Villagers and Golems.

Spider Creeper:

- 36hp
- Can climb walls.
- Has a 25% chance to explode when below 18hp.
- Has a 3x radius of explosion
- Drops Gun powder, Spider eyes, String.

Spider Pig:

- 26hp
- Can climb walls.
- Ridable and fully controlable.
- Can climb walls while is being ridden.
- On Lightning Strike becomes Zombie(Spider) Pigman.
- Doesn't take fall damage.
- Passive mob, that will never attack.
- On collision with mobs , deals 3 damage per hit.
- Can be healed by golden carrots or carrots!

Blaze Pig:

- 30hp
- Can fly around like blaze.
- Is Immune to fire.
- Ridable like Spider Pig
- On collision with mob will set them on fire.
- Passive, but can rarely fight.
- Can be killed by water.
- Drops Blaze rods.

Ghast Shulker:

- 60hp.
- Same size as a ghast.
- Same abillities as a shulker.
- Also will shoot giant shulker bullets, that will explode.
- Drops ???

Elder Spider Guardian:

- 150hp.
- Same abillities as a Spider Guardian.
- Places webs on attack.
- Gives weakness on attack.
- Is 2x times slower then Spider Guardian.
- Drops ???

Spider Witch:

- 50hp
- Can climb walls.
- 3x times faster potion throwing.
- Bigger attack range.
- Drops same as a Witch.

Silverish Creeper: 

- 10 hp 
- Can hide in the stone. 
- On explosion will spawn horde of silverfishes. 
- Sometimes will summon silverfish to help it chase you. 
- Explodes same radius as normal creeper. 
- Drops same stuff like normal creepers. 

Illiusioner Creeper: 

- 24hp 
- Will create illiusons to attack you. 
- Illiusions will not explode and will not drop anything. 
- Will become invisible right after he will create illiusions. 
- Explodes same radius as normal creeper. 
- Drops same stuff like normal creepers. 

Illiusioner Wither Skeleton: 

- 40hp 
- Will create illiusons to attack you. 
- Real Wither Skeleton will wither and deal 7 damage to you. 
- Illiusions of wither skeleton will not deal any damage or apply any effects. 
- Drops bones, rarely wither skulls and arrows. 

Zombie Spider:

- Has 36hp and 4 Armor points.
- Has same abillities as zombie.
- Can Climb on walls and walk thought web.
- Can spawn as a baby.
- Will infect villagers into zombies.
- Drops Rotten flesh.
- has 50 % to spawn anywhere.

Illiusioner Ghast:

- Has 20 health.
- Same abillities as ghast.
- Will split into illiusions.
- Will burn in fire.
- Drops Ghast tears.
- Will spawn in Nether.

Slime Golem:

- Has health depending on size(4x size = 322hp).
- Will split into smaller versions on death.
- Will act same as iron golem.
- Will drop slime balls and iron ingots on smallest size.
- Will knock enemies up depending on size(max 999)
- Will spawn in ???.

Squid Ghast:

- Has 60 health.
- Will fly like ghast.
- Will shoot a really strange fireball(causes blindness in aoe radius).
- Drops Ghast tears.
- Will spawn in ???.

Husk Spider:

- Has 36hp and 4 Armor points.
- Has same abillities as Zombie spider.
- Gives hunger on attack.
- Drops Rotten flesh.
- has 50 % to spawn anywhere.

Blaze Golem:

- Has 140 hp and deals 14 damage.
- Acts same as Iron Golem.
- Can fly and set enemies on fire.
- Will transform water into magma blocks.
- On right click with smeltable food items will smelt them.
- Will drop blaze powder and iron ingots.
- No spawn yet..

Creeper Golem:

- Has 140 hp and deals 14 damage.
- Will cause small explosions on attack.
- When health reaches below 50% he will charge him self up.
- When charged power, speed and defense will be multiplied by 2x.
- Has a devastating attack on death, will cause up to 10x times explosion.
- Acts same as Iron Golem.
- Will drop gun powder and iron ingots.
- No spawn yet..

Creeper voker:

- Has 40hp.
- Acts same as Evoker.
- Spawns creeper fangs and vexes on attack.
- Has same abilities as creeper.
- Will become 10x stronger on lightning strike.
- Will drop Detonator, Totem of Undying and Gun powder.
- Has 10% chance to spawn anywhere.

Zombiefied Creeper:

- Has 40hp.
- Acts as a Creeper & Zombie together.
- When health is below 50% will try to explode.
- Will drop zombie & creeper loot.
- Has 40% chance to spawn anywhere.

Creeper Pig:

- Has 30hp.
- Acts same as Creeper.
- On lightning strike will become 2x times more powerfull.
- Will drop Creeper Pig Porkchop and when charged will drop Charged Pig Porkchop.
- Has 50% chance to spawn anywhere.

Wither Shulker:

- Has 350hp and is a boss mob.
- Acts same as Shulker and attacks anything.
- Shoots Giant Explosive Wither Bullets.
- Has regenation of a Wither.
- Can only be damaged if is hit in the bottom part of the shell.
- Will drop Shulker Shells, Wither Stars.
- No spawn yet..

Shulker Wither:

- Has 350hp and is a boss mob.
- Acts same as Wither and attacks anything.
- Shoots Shulker Skulls and Shulker Bullets.
- Has all abilities of Wither Boss.
- Will drop Shulker Shells, Wither Stars.
- No spawn yet.

Guardian Golem:

- Has 100hp
- Deals 14 damage.
- Acts same as Iron Golem.
- Reflects 2x damage on attack.
- Shoots Lasers from the eye(Currently implementing!).
- Spawns ???.

Mr Spook:

- Has 360hp.
- Can spawn as a baby or adult.
- 3rd boss in the mod(2nd strongest!)
- When health goes below 160 becomes 2x stronger and covers him self in armor!
- Is combination of Shulker,Creeper,Zombie,Spider and Witch.
- Has 5 fightning styles that he will use:
1.Creating explosions on attack.
2.Throwing harming potion on enemy.
3.Critical strikes(Deals 20% of opponents health as a damage).
4.Shulker Punch(Causes levitation).
5.Teleport around(Teleports around like crazy).
- Will attack literraly anyone he will see even other spooks!
- On Kill will regain 10hp.
- Spawns ???.

Squid Creeper:

- Has 26 Health.

- Because of combination with squid will not explode.

- On death will have AOE of blindness all around the place where he died.

- Drops ink sacks.

- Spawns in almost every biome, except Nether & End.

Squid Creeper:

- Has 60 Health.

- Can teleport around and explode like normal creeper.

- On explosion will have a slight chance to teleport random person in AOE.

- Will drop ender pearls.

- Spawns in End & Plains.

Enderman Snowman:

- Has 46 Health.

- Will shoot 5x times faster then ordinary snow golem.

- Will randomly teleport around his target.

- Still is scared of water.

- Uses ender pearls that deal 1 damage on hit as ammunition.

- Drops Ender pearls on death.

- Spawns in ???.

Blaze Snowman:

- Has 24 Health.

- Is immune to fire.

- Uses fireballs as ammunition.

- Shoots 5x times faster then ordinary snowman.

- Can Fly & Is immune to any fall damage.

- Drops Blaze rods on death.

- Spawns in ???.

Santa Claus Spider(Xmas 2017):

- Has 250 Hp and deals 10 damage per hit.

- Has two variations Adult & Baby.

- Has same strenght as Mr Spook.

- Is combination of Spider, Santa Claus & Snow Golem.

- Will leave snow trail on the ground.

- Has 3 unique abillities that it can use:

1.Firework attack(Shoots out fireworks that can damage enemies and these fireworks will pickup their targets and launch them to the sky).

2.Super Strenght(Has a 10% chance when fighting opponent stronger then him, that he will cause 250% of damage in one hit).

3.Potion Steal(Santa Claus gives gifts, but Santa Spider Claus will steal them).


- Will drop Firework Detonator on death.

- When he is not fightning anyone he will begin regenerating his health to full.

- Spawns ???


Polar Wolf:

- Has 100 Health and deals 10 damage per hit.

- Can be tamed with bones and will be ridden by owner as well.

- You can breed them with same food like wolves.

- Acts Like Wolf in most ways , but it's impossible to make him sit like wolves.

- Has 10% chance to spawn in taigas and other wolf specific biomes.

- If is killed by any Zombie Mob or Mutant will transform into Polar Zombie Wolf.

Polar Zombie Wolf:

- Has The same stats as it's counter part Polar Wolf.

- Will attack Polar Wolves and will try to transform them to zombies.

- Will not spawn anywhere by default, but will only spawn on certain occasions.



- Has 60 Health and will deal from 7 to 15 damage per hit.

- Has abilities of both Enderman & Blaze.

- Will fly, teleport and instead of normal attack will spawn flame ring.

- Doesn't spawn anywhere yet , as there is no structure for him to spawn in.

- Drops Ender Pearls.





Mod Showcases:




MC Naveed





Q:  Can you add [Mob] mutant?

A: Yes i can, but before that if idea is original then will add it to To do list:


Q: Can i use this mod in modpack?

A: Yes you can, but if it's public besure to credit Soulas(Rolik) for this mod.


Q: Can i make a showcase on this mod?

A: Yeah, sure it will be amazing to see a new showcase! :)


Q: Can you add a [Boss mob] mutant?

A: Yeah i will consider adding that mob, if it's orginal and will not be just op killing machine.


Q: Help! i download this mod from another website, but there are some mutants missing!

A: Well it's simple just download from curseforge, as i will only support and help you out, if you will download the mod from the original source and not a mod stealing websites.


Q: Will you support modded mobs as well?

A: Yeah someday, i will but not right now, as still there are some mutants missing :p


And that's it for now , may add more mutated mobs later!
P.s: be sure to suggest own mutant and a 1 unique abillity for it :p


Also all item information will be displayed in the game, just hover over the item!


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
mutatedmobs-1.0.8.jar release 1.12 56,038 24/02/2018
mutatedmobs-1.0.4.jar release 1.12.2 16,482 23/09/2017
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
Mutated Mobs Mod
Mutated Mobs Mod

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