A future earth

Welcome back for a long awaited sequel to my Alternate earth map!
Just in time for Christmas so take this as your present from me, PMC community!

Before we begin, the 3D view of the map which PMC doesn't like to have in the media gallery...
A future earth Minecraft Map

And continue!

Fun facts

- Another map, another 6k by 3k sized map
- As stated before, this is a continuation of an old map, so the same rough continental shapes can be found across both maps! I suggest comparing the 2 pictures, it's surprisingly fun!
- And for this map there is a climate map too, of course!

A future earth Minecraft Map

So, what actually happened inbetween?

There is actually one big thing that isnt the most obvious movement of plates: It has gotten a bit warmer since the last map!
Due to the rifting of the African and Fransisco plates, a lot of vulcanic activity was created. That, combined with the birth of a new hotspot in a flood basalt eruption (look it up if you wonder what that is, this isnt the place to explain that) around eastern Antarctica, made it so that the entire world warmed up significantly. This, of course, impacted the climate zones.

Notable differences:
- Northern hemisphere deserts generally shrank due to intense monsoon circulation.
- Southern hemispheres grew due to way lower monsoon circulation.
- The icecaps are almost entirely gone, especially in Antarctica.

Physical geography!
My favourite part!

Time for the continent listing again, it's way shorter this time though:

- America (former South America) | 4.72 million km²
- Antarctica (former Antarctica and Fransisco, breakaway from Africa) | 45.2 million km²
- Afropa (Africa and Europe) | 45.6 million km²
- Pacifica (Amalgamation of many former continents) | 89.4 million km²

And the oceans:

- The Atlantic ocean: from the scotia island arch between America and Antarctica, to the bottom of the old Nubian rift, now the
straight between Afropa and Fransisco, and all the way to the end of the Eurasian rift: the rift between Europe and Asia.

- The Pacific ocean: boxed in by Pacifica, Antarctica and America, its major boundries are the straight of New Zealand, the Scotia
arch and the American straight between east Pacifica (former North America) and America.

- The Somali ocean: quite obviously the rest of the water area since this is the only other ocean.

Notable landforms:

- Quebec island: due to erosion the Quebec peninsula got disconnected from the mainland, giving the hudson bay another connection to the Atlantic

- The South Georgia plateau: a flood basalt eruption caused the formation of this massive magmatic plateau, which due to tectonic activity got compressed into a thin, but relatively mountainous island

- Karelia island: home to the smallest of the 4 polar icecap remnants, it is one of the many fragments that got broken off during the rifting of Europe and Asia

- Kerguelen plateau: another hotspot plateau, this time caused by the rifting between the Antarctic and Australian plate.

- Indo plateau: just like Kerguelen, this is a magmatic plateau caused by rifting, but of the Somali plate and a new oceanic plate (haven't thought of a name for it yet...). This time there are only small islands that have come above water though.

- The Scotia islands: South Antarctica, Fransisco and America are all colliding here, slowly subducting the Scotia plate from all sides, and making a new extention of the central Antarctic mountain range by merging it with the Andes mountains

- The Amur and Yangtze seas: 2 major evaporative seas. due to the reversal of the plate motions, the bits of oceanic crust that remained on the Amur and Yangtze plates got closed in and each created a basin which filled up to become an evaporative sea. This means that the only way for water to leave the seas is through evaporation.

The rest:

The biomes are placed in the same way as the for now only other map in this series, the Alternate earth map.

And if youre wondering why that continent that broke off of Nubia from the old map is called Fransisco? Well, irl the eastern part of South America, which was connected to Africa for quite some time like the breakaway continent, is called the Sao Fransisco craton iirc. So that's where that name came from.

Thanks for reading!

I got a few more small things to say though. First of all, if you don't know what any of this is about, I highly recommend checking out the other map in the series: Alternate earth. Everything will make more sense reading through some stuff in there. There will also most likely be more maps in this series, go vote for which one you'd like to see here! Also a small disclaimer: there may be a few errors where I missed some terrain or tree coverage, but those should be minor, I checked the map thoroughly for them.
And the collection for the rest of the series
And lastly, if you like the map, don't be shy to give it a diamond!


A future earth Screenshots

A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth
A future earth


A future earth
A future earth

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