Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation

Colorpass is basically a password system.

png Choose yourself a password which is a combination of three colors. The colors can be the same or different. (e.g. Blue-Red-Black)
png Register your password via Colorpad. Your password will be saved.
png Now you have to type your password. If it's true, your chest room will be unlocked, else it won't open. You cannot register a new password before typing the correct password.
png Go to your chest room, place your items, than log off.
png Your chest room will be locked and it won't open till you type your password.
png In your chest room, you can additionally toggle the Security Lock. It's normally on. If you do it off, your new password can be overwritten without typing it correctly.


Colorpass has some cool features.

png If you try to trick the system (e.g switching between registering & login while typing a pass), it will not fail.

png Device works with no errors. However if you occur any (mail it to me) you can easily detect the error on the main panel. There is a digit screen that shows you which digit you're currently typing in.

png It's working fast but you can't do two ore more things at the same time. You have to wait a second between each button click. Sure, you don't have to count the seconds, the device will warn you with a tone.

png You do own a Security Sheep(png) in your chest room.


The reason i'm sharing this is not only a show off. I want to teach people how to do such things. I was always interested in the redstone devices of Disco, Sethbling, etc. and i decided to make my own devices!

For example this password system is completely my own design. I didn't steal from anywhere. Because if i try to imitate some others project, it wouldn't be fun. Instead i designed how the machine should work and what i will do.

I already shared this on Minecraft forums but apparently no one was interested. I want to share my guide with more people so i'm posting this here.

The download link and the guide can be found at this page:

Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation Screenshots

Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation
Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation
Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation
Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation


Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation
Colorpass - 3 Digits Password System with Explanation

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