Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette

This is the ONI operated Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette. It is 182 long, 51 wide and 30 high. It carries a single wombat and has an armament of two light MACs, two double barrel rampart turrets, two hellfire missile silos, and six double barrel laser antiaircraft turrets.

Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette Screenshots

Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette


Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette
Ecclesiastical class stealth corvette

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