Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin

Above you see my second build on the Age of Ruin server. I decided that a military fort would be a good addition to my duchy and wanted it to have a port around it. I added a shipyard (pictures 5 and 6) aswell as a storage room with an elevator from the docks to the fort itself. Methone is also capable of smithing weapons because of the smithy in the courtyard (pictures 9 and 10).

RP: Fort Methone serves as the main foothold of the imperial army and navy in the duchy of Achaia. From here the empire protects its interest in the Ionian and Aegaean sea.

You can explore the build yourself by joining the Age of Ruin minecraft server! Take a look at it at the original location in southern greece (picture 11) or go into the servers plotworld and type "/plot visit Dalios 3".

The ship is not my creation! I copied it from the map because I have no experience in building ships.

Join the Byzantine Empire and help to uphold the legacy of Rome!


Age of Ruin is a historical, geopolitical Minecraft roleplay server that
welcomes both veterans and newcomers to the roleplay genre.

Explore 12th-century Europe!

Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin Screenshots

Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin


Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin
Fort Methone | A byzantine fort in Minecraft | Age of Ruin

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