Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer

Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer

The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, also known as the "Impstar-Deuce," was a Star Destroyer model used by the Galactic Empire. The successor of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, it came into service in or before 5 BBY.


Built by Kuat Drive Yards, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer was a capital ship model derived from the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. Like its predecessor, it was painted a subdued shade of gray, was wedge-shaped, had a bridge tower, and measured 1600 meter in length. However, it featured a communications tower with vertical support beams between its two deflector shield generator domes, while the Imperial I-class had a tractor beam targeting array with support beams running diagonally across it.


The Kuat Drive Yards started producing the Imperial II-class as early as 5 BBY. The ISD Avenger, which participated in the Imperial victory at Hoth, was an Imperial II-class vessel, and so was the ISD Torment, which took part in Operation: Cinder under the command of Captain Lerr Duvat.

Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Screenshots

Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer


Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer

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