Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map



A Survival Games map by Team Elite.

Lead by Joshkey


Description of the Map:

Deep in the heart of a boiling desert, the oasis of Kharmunrah thrives around a giant pyramid. Situated around the pyramid is an oasis of water, perfect for quenching the thirst of both animals and humans. A modern village, a sphinx, a sewer system, a harbour and a canyon all call Kharmunrah home. Tributes will fight throughout a massive cave with a jungle above their heads, hoping to find solace from their enemies in the darkness. Higher up in the jungle trees, tree houses and walkways have concealed themselves from prying eyes. Can you find the remains of the previous settlers during your time in the oasis? Or will you become lost forever during your battle in the clutching darkness of the great pyramid?


Credits List

Joshkey, Teije, Poppi11, Daalexantor, The_Soy_Man, Jaunhbk1, cbeeston1, Guggex8, cheezstiks, richa-da-3rd, Sneeze7, Dracus, jitsekrol and Aeruner.


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Permission for Use

You may use this map on your server if Team Elite is given proper credit and you message us saying you are going to use it.
If you fail to do so, we will have your map removed.


Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map Screenshots

Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map


Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map
Kharmunrah - Survival Games Map

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