LORD PC (working)

hello iam RoyalSymphoney i made a pc that realy works!
here is the apps::::::::
------------------------ tic tac toe (game)
------------------------ music app (the music comes from the speakers)
the desktop shows the time under the line i wrote a (T) letter there.
up the line it will show the tic tac toe part and the music icon if turned on.
the world contains:::::::
i explain:::
1_printer:its not conected to the computer but i works.the ink is the concrete powder and i put some levers and a printed paper
two levers :::1_reset the printed paper 2_fill the ink cartridge.
i put signs for you;)
2_desktop:its the pc it has a working dvd player and a face with a smile;)
3_monitor:that monitor just shows and it has a power button under it.
4_speaker:it has 4 musics downloaded in it and it plays them very easily.
5_mouse:the mouse is a decoration.;) i was going to make it work but i didnt
6_keyboard:its not the regular keyboard because you dont need it for those apps
i wrote a lot of letters and iam tired so done(187words)

LORD PC (working) Screenshots


LORD PC (working)
LORD PC (working)

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