Manor House (Middle Ages)

This is a project I did 10 months ago and never posted due to life and college pulling me away from gaming. I did all the terrian with world edit and never cleaned up the area since I abbadoned the projected. there is an entire village for the lord of the manor to rule over that I did but never finished. I had help with some of the village stuff such as the lumber mill but I forget the names since I haven't been on the vox server in over half a year but you can find the contributer somewhere in my sub list. I tried to make a somewhat accurate middle age village while still keeping a organic feel to the buildings which is not an easy task. I wish I had more self control but as it is I just can't game and do all the things I need and want to do in life such as exercise and keep my weight up. I'm one of those people that get's so eengrosed in what I'm doing that I forget to eat and such. So I haven't done anything in minecraft in a long while and probably will not do anything for the foreseeable future since I want to focus on career building and do volunteer work since I don't feel like I'm living up my own ethical standards by gaming all day. Additionally none of friends still play so there is no social aspect to mc for me anymore and I can pursue my artistic intrests in a wide variety of ways outside of gaming. I also need to reconnect with family who recently moved back to the states and friends who have recently gotten out the miltatry.

Don't bother me for your own sake since I don't check my messages. You can copy, borrow, or steal my work I don't care just as long as you credit me. Trying to passing someone elses work off is dishonest and  value the truth more that anything else even if it's not convient or what I want to believe.

Manor House (Middle Ages) Screenshots

Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)


Manor House (Middle Ages)
Manor House (Middle Ages)

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