Multi-Game Zone!

What is it?
Ever have those moments where you want to play multiple different games with your friends? Say, you wanted to play spleef at first, but now you want to play some good old PvP, and then soon afterwards, an urge to play some hide 'n' seek? But, having to shut down the server, download the new map, and then start up the server again to change the map can get quite annoying and cumbersome. So this map, is the solution to all of your problems(excluding lag).

How is that possible?
By having a centralized spawn point, with a pathway that branches off into multiple arenas and minigame rooms, you can enjoy yourself to the fullest, on whichever game you'd like to try out!

Why are you uploading this at 10% completion?
In my mind, this map will never be completed. Never.


Because there will always be new maps being added in! Does every play PvP on the same map, every single time? Don't you want to change the scenery ever so often?

What do you mean by 'Game Modes', 'Arenas', 'Contributers', etc?
Games Modes refer to the different game modes available, like Spleef, PvP, etc. Arenas, refers to the number of maps, say a Nether map, and a Sky map. Contributers refers to the people who gave suggestions, and those suggestions being built into the world.

Can we get a tour of the map via a video of some kind?
Yes, that will happen on my channel on YouTube. I will also link older videos that correspond to older updates in the changelog!

Can we give suggestions?
By all means, go ahead.

Why wasn't my suggestion used?
Either I missed it, it was too vague, or impossible to build. Or, there was an easier map to build first. I do have a life as well.

Where's the MCEdit Schematics?
What Schematics? I built the world manually! I find that, moving around as a character, while building, it gives you a better feel for what you are trying to make, as well as a close up of fine tuning with familiar controls.

Need help with building?
Yes, by all means please.....ish. As there will be many arenas that can be built, I'd prefer having it be done by one person at a time, to lower the chances of arenas obstructing each other. Shoot me a message on my Youtube/Twitter and I will respond.

What if an arena is able to be used for a different game mode?
Generally, that is possible, especially when viewing each arena as a PvP arena. However, most, if not all the arenas, are redstone extensive, and require activation to even enter, thus making it harder to use an arena for soemthing that it isn't designed for.

Handling the World
To use the world, you have to do a few things. First, is to make sure that no one is in creative mode. Cheats will be on, in case something happens. Then, just follow the signs and your whim!

Just make sure NOT to break any blocks unless specified otherwise!

Also, if you ever spawn outside, look for the diamond starway up towards the Beacon's lights. Once you get on top of the iron building, you will see a red circle. Read the sign and continue.

There are two hidden switches. No, they are not in the game area. Within the first three rooms, the hidden switches will either overrider the World Activation Switch, opening the 3x3 gate without the rest of the world activating, or open a small, secret hole, that allows you to view the world from behind the scenes.

Arena Listing by Game Mode
Jumping Pit: Parkour
[WIP]Obisidan Tower: Spleef

Map Status
Game Modes Available: 1
Arenas Available: 1
Number of Updates: 1
Last Update: June 30th, 2015
Creation Date: June 29th, 2015
Release Date: June 30th, 2015
Number of Founders: 1
Number of Builders: 1
Number of Contributers: 0


June 30th, 2015(Part 2): Download

-Built the forgotten Diamonad Stairway to Spawn
-Created Master Override Control Room
-Created Basic Information Room
-Created Showcase Example
-Created Override Switches

June 30th, 2015: Download
-Uploaded world
-Created Spawn/Beacon Room
-Created Hidden Room
-Created Lobby/Waiting Room
-Created Jumping Pit

February 26th,
Progress has been stalled, due to real life matters. Sorry!

Multi-Game Zone! Screenshots

Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!


Multi-Game Zone!
Multi-Game Zone!

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