Non Mercator Projection how to make a Earth Map!


^ Map of a non mercator projection heightmap. My last post was a mercator projection which really makes greenland go berserk and curves and stretches the map. I think you would of all prefered this map, so here it is! I will be showing you how to do it step by step once again!

1. Download the heightmap

2. Download Worldpainter

3. Go to file and "Import new world" and import the file of the heightmap. It may take some time to load.

4. Then edit it based on your prefrences the terrain, etc.

5. Here is what I came up with: I coloured Greenland and Antartica in to snow, so it looked more "realistic"

Non Mercator Projection how to make a Earth Map! Minecraft MapHere is what I came up with. No distinctive colourization, but you get the point it works. You can easily colour it yourself.

If you want this to more simplified, please ask for a download and if enough people ask for it, I will do it Please give this a diamond and a favourite if you want a earth map :D (Credits to Cunuduh for notifying me of this heightmap)NASA heightmap

Non Mercator Projection how to make a Earth Map! Screenshots


Non Mercator Projection how to make a Earth Map!
Non Mercator Projection how to make a Earth Map!

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