| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop)

I'm sure that everyone has at least once thought about what it would be like if dogs/wolves in Minecraft actually could poop... I mean c'mon, who wouldn't want that?! Well now your dreams have come true, in the form of a single command!

What to do:

If you've decided you want this lovely feature added into your world, you must follow these simple steps:

1) Place a command block in your world, and put the command below into it.

2) Place a redstone block next to it, and it should start manufacturing this large tower of command blocks

3) The rest is done on it's own, now your favourite pets should be your favourite pests!

4) To get rid of the poop, simply jump on the poop a couple times.

5) Turn your volume up for the lovely noises of the excrements!

(Note: It is set so that they only poop every so often, so you may need to wait a while before they first go)

Command: http://pastebin.com/Bvsp8Rhg

If you experience any problems, feel free to contact me.

| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop) Screenshots

| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop)
| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop)
| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop)


| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop)
| Single Command Block Creations | Wolves' Digestive Systems (Poop)

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