Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D

This is a little something I started on Christmas Day 2017 (have spent 4 days so far on it).

**Note: This is a map template (with no buildings). I still need to make some manual tweaks (and removed some glitches, etc).**

This is a 2048x2048 block wide circular sky world map, with increased resources and spawning levels (see pictures for details).

I create maps (unless stated) in Minecraft version 1.7.10, so they can be used for modded sky worlds, or other modded packs (as mods are always a few versions back). Obviously you can open this map in any version of Minecraft (vanilla or modded) in any version 1.7.10 upwards with no problems (unless Microsoft break the game).

It is designed for PVP with 4 main bases, one in each cardinal direction (North, South, East, West), with either a spawn/hub, or a fifth base in the center of the map. **Note: The center island is in a mushroom island biome, so no hostile mobs should spawn (hence why a good spawn/hub location, and it always rains)**

I added what I hope are a couple of interesting features:

  • Water level is at block height 70, and you can sail most of the way around the map via rivers, underground canals, and flooded caverns. These caverns are designed to be like a maze, as all major bases have one large flooded cavern below it with usually just one access point (it pays to explore).
  • There are obsidian tunnels across the map to lead to various places and caverns full of mushrooms,nether wart and clay. The reason for the obsidian tunnels are to stop people having easy mining access where ever there is a tunnel and destroying them, and they stop you from falling into lava or canals. This also encourages mining near your base or at the next feature.
  • Ok, not a feature, but an easier way to start and focus on mining away or near to your base, mining caverns. These are simple caverns with easy access to ores, etc.
  • Large interconnected lava lake at bottom of world with flat soul sand levels just for fun. They best way to reach this level is to dig straight down in the middle of your base. The lava lake helps prevent people digging straight across to your base, as you start on your own island (may need improvement at certain levels).

**Usage Rules**
Please link back here (do not re-host the file) if you use this map for streaming, then other people can download the map. Just let me know if you want to add it to a pack, and I may add to Curse/Twitch if needed.



PS - If having problem's downloading with Drop Box, try one of the following:
1 - on the right side of the screen there are 3 dots that say "More" if you hover over it. Just click and select "Download".
2 - on top the right (next to sign up" there is a down arrow, just click and select "Download".

This is because of something Drop Box has changed at some point (rather then allow direct downloads).

Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D Screenshots

Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D


Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D
Sky World (2048 Blocks) - PVP Map (template) - Version 0D

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