Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |


Olá construtores americanos, sou um novato no planetminecraft, porém sempre gostei dos mapas postados nesse site. Em especial este da USS Newton (Star Trek 2009) A pouco tempo fiz o download deste mapa, e tenho que admitir que ADOREI o projeto!!! Mas infelizmente a nave estava sem o seu interior, por isso resolvi começar a construção de seu interior, baseado na Realidade Alternada dos novos filmes do Star Trek (2009)

Todos os direitos reservados ao seu criador: TheOfficialNano
Link do mapa:

Em breve estarei postando o link do download da nave (com o interior já construído) Me desejem sorte. Grato!

Translated by Google Translate:


Hello American builders, I am a novice in planetminecraft, but always liked the maps posted on this site. In particular this USS Newton (Star Trek 2009) The short time I downloaded this map, and I have to admit I LOVED the project !!! But unfortunately the ship was without his inside, so I decided to start the construction of its interior, based on Alternate Reality new movie Star Trek (2009)

All rights reserved to its creator: TheOfficialNano
Map Link:

Soon I will be posting the ship's download link (with the interior already built) Wish me luck. Grateful!

Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior | Screenshots

Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |


Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |
Star Trek - USS Newton NCC-1727 | Interior |

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