The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4


Your in a freezing tundra in the middle of the night with only Iron Gear, Some food, Some blocks, And flint and steel. You dont know where to go but you do know that you need to find shelter fast before you either die to the mobs or freeze to death.

Eventually you spot a cave nearby. And proceed to enter and block of the entrance. After entering you place down some logs and light them with your flint and steel creating a campfire. Then you place down a crafting table, a furnace, and a chest and then you sit down by the campfire and rest for a bit.

A few hours later you wake up to the sound of loud rumbling. Curious to find out where the sound came from you grab a torch from the campfire and investigate the rumbling. After some exploring you come across some bricks carved into the walls. As you keep heading down the cave more and more bricks started to appear and the rumbling got louder. At the end of the cave you came across a wall of bricks and a copper door in the middle.

You draw you sword and slowly approach the door. And upon opening the door a large chamber stretched out before you. The Trial Chambers. After exploring through some rooms and collecting some loot you came across a room with a Trial Spawner. After a battle with some Spiders you head through the next corridor and find a large room with high platforms and 3 Trial Spawners. And after a battle with Some Strays. And some Silverfish. You fight through some More rooms.

But after defeating what you thought was the Last Chamber one of the Trial Spawners drops a Key and the Door opens. After walking through a long corridor and going up stairs you are met with a large door with a keyhole in it. You think to yourself: Here goes nothing. And you placed the Key in the Lock. The Door slowly opened. You walk inside and you are met with a small chamber with a throne at the end. Suddenly the Door slams shut and you are cloaked in darkness. A voice speaks out in the Midst of the darkness.



Welcome to the Chambers of the Trial Keeper!

I spent way too long making this Map. But I wanted to make a Map for the new 1.21 experimental features so here we are now with a Map that I went all out on. but I'm very happy with the results. I do also have to give credit to Thaetaa-Terraainn for the Music you can check his channel out Here and l spent a very long making this map so to help you could subscribe to me. I also have to give credit to Justythundersony for the Trailer. And overall I hope you enjoy this map!

-=+Settings (Please Read!)+=-

Players: 1 - 2
Version: 1.20.4
Jukebox Sounds: 25 - 100%

This Map is only in Beta and there is much more planned
for it in the future.

The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4 Screenshots

The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4


The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4
The Chambers of The Trial Keeper: Minecraft Boss Battle Series #4

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