USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)

This is a W.I.P. -
SCHEMATIC is August 4th 2013
World Save - NOT UPDATED - previous version

Thank you to: Momentaneously
Thank you to: Miner00123_yognog - For two great screen cap images.

Using the nebula hull that Momentaneously uploaded I went and filled in all the decks. (25 of them). (if you could fit all 33 in God bless you, go for it.)

The ship is currently on the server (address is and can be explored there along with a dozen other fine star trek ship builds including the Enterprise D, Bird Of Prey, USS Reliant, USS Sovereign, USS Voyager, USS Akira, etc

Server is currently 1.6.2 and the IP address is:
Server Information:

I have uploaded a schematic and world save file but for the best effect, go tour the ship on the server. The ship is set up to use the texture pack and looks great.

Many of the crew quarters are not filled in yet. As I said the ship is still a huge work in progress. However much of the ship is done. (The nacelles are not though)

The ship is fully explorable with tons of areas to see and find.

I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use the Material Detector Mod or other map finding mod to explore the ship with. Otherwise you'll get lost, frustrated, and give up. (Astoria's Build version is 1.6.2 but any version will load it.)

The world save has a cut away image along with the full build to be toured.

Suggestions and comments are welcome.

USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship) Screenshots

USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)


USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)
USS Astoria (Nebula Class Starship)

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