USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update

New 1.7.4 update. All quartz hulls, stairs, colored glass and more!

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The USS Enterprise in the center is the "legacy edition" upgrade I was planning, using new blocks and modernizing it for the latest version.

The USS Reliant is practically finished, but may be broken from game updates. Full interior, working phaser banks.

The USS Excelsior is the crown jewel of my fleet. It was suppose to be top of the line, it abuses huge piston monstrosities that will slow most computers to a crawl when they are all running. It has working phaser banks that can be fired from the bridge, A Transwarp drive, piston driven warp drive, impulse drive, and piston driven nacelles. The brussard collectors can be independently opened and closed, sections are separated by piston driven pressure doors. I am sure there are other features I've since forgotten about. The ship also has torpedo TNT launchers!

USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update Screenshots

USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update


USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update
USS Excelsior, USS Enterprise & USS Reliant - New 1.7.4 update

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