ZA WARUDO Time stop Minecraft 1.15.2 via a small amount of command blocks

NOTE: Just like the Title says it stops time, however this is by abusing lag from a certain command that is set to default once the timer ends. Please do not change numbers of the command blocks without properly going through the notes I left on the map via a sign.

If something goes wrong and you are stuck in the frozen state, just open the chat and type those two commands:
1: /scoreboard players reset @p RightClick
2:/scoreboard players reset @p time
3:/gamerule randomTickSpeed 3

If done in that order, it not only resets the command block sturcture, but also resumes time to normal speed again.

I used intentionally a very simple right click detection, this is the most basic I can do it, It can be improved in a lot of ways, but since everyone has his own way of doing things, you can use this as a stepping stone and fit it your need. For example needing to not only use a carrot on a stick but also having to hold an item like a clock that has a special name and tag in order for it to activate etc.

So yes, this is for reuse and I even encourage people to change stuff around, thus I used this basic setup. Just watch some Minecraft right click detection videos on youtube and you should be able to pick this up and make it your own.

I give everyone promission to use it and change it around, just credit me somewhere so that no problems arrise.

ZA WARUDO Time stop Minecraft 1.15.2 via a small amount of command blocks Screenshots


ZA WARUDO Time stop Minecraft 1.15.2 via a small amount of command blocks
ZA WARUDO Time stop Minecraft 1.15.2 via a small amount of command blocks

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