Skyblock Advanced

Hello Skyblock Fans,


about 6 years ago the original Skyblock map by Noobcrew was released and everyone loved the map, but you can play this map forever and don't have a clear ending.


So I took the newest Minecraft Version (1.12) and updated the old map with a lot of new challenges.
This map use the new advancements feature from 1.12, so you can lookup every challenge ingame.



Skyblock 1.12 Advanced Overworld


Skyblock 1.12 Advanced Nether


Whats new in this map?
  • The map is divided in 2 sections (old and advanced)
  • Explore the End and the End Islands!
  • Explore the outer islands!
  • Explore the complete nether!
  • Over 70+ new Challenges!
  • Fight the Illusioner after collecting a totem of undying!
  • Zombies have a chance of dropping iron nuggets
  • At the beginning there is a worldborder from 500 to -500 in the overworld and the nether!
  • Advancements everywhere! Only in Minecraft version 1.12+


Skyblock is NOT my idea! I made this map for all Skyblock Fans who want more possibilities to play Skyblock.

If you have any ideas for new challengestell me below in the comments!


If you found any bugspost it below in the comments!


Rules & Challenges v1.0:

You can NOT skip the old challenges from Skyblock 1.0 / 1.1 / 2.0 / 2.1



  • Do not purposely jump off the island to regenerate your health.
  • Play on at least easy difficulty.

Normal Challenges:

0) Start Skyblock 1.12!
1) Build a cobblestone generator.
2) Collect 64 cobblestone.
3) Craft a furnace.
4) Craft 20 cobblestone stairs.
5) Craft 20 cobblestone walls.
6) Craft 30 cobblestone slabs.
7) Craft 20 torches.
8) Craftt 16 glass panes.
9) Craft 64 stone bricks.
10) Craft 30 stone slabs.
11) Craft 10 armor stands.
12) Craft 20 oak stairs.
13) Craft 30 wooden slabs.
14) Craft 10 signs.
15) Craft 20 ladders.
16) Craft 20 fence.
17) Craft 20 fence gates.
18) Craft 20 trapdoors.
19) Craft 10 levers.
20) Craft 10 wooden pressure plates.
21) Craft 10 stone pressure plates.
22) Craft 10 wooden buttons.
23) Craft 10 stone buttons.
24) Collect 10 apples.
25) Craft a golden apple.
26) Collect all music discs.
27) Catch 10 fish, salmon, clownfish and pufferfish.
28) Cook 10 fish and salmon.
29) Collect 10 gunpowder, strings, rotten flesh, bones and spider eyes.
30) Craft 10 fermented spider eyes.
31) Collect 10 ender pearls.
32) Place 16 potatos and collect 32 potatos.
33) Cook 16 potatos.
34) Collect 10 poisonous potatos.
35) Craft a bed and sleep in it.
36) Craft 10 banner.
37) Craft 10 paintings.
38) Craft 10 black wool.
39) Craft 10 gray wool.
40) Craft 10 lime wool.
41) Craft 10 red wool.
42) Craft 10 yellow wool.
43) Craft 10 pink wool.
44) Craft 10 green wool.
45) Craft 10 orange wool.
46) Collect all wool advancements.
47) Collect 64 iron nuggets.
48) Craft 64 iron ingots.
49) Craft a bow and collect 64 arrows.
50) Craft 10 hoppers.
51) Craft a anvil.
52) Craft a shield.
53) Craft 10 tripwire hooks.
54) Build a iron golem to gt a new friend. <3
55) Place 16 carrots and collect 32 carrots.
56) Craft a carrot on a stick.
57) Craft 64 bonemeal.
58) Craft 20 bone blocks.
59) Place 16 wheat seeds and collect 64 wheat.
60) Craft 10 bread.
61) Craft 30 hay bales.
62) Reach the second island in the west.
63) Place 12 melon seeds and collect 64 melons.
64) Craft a glistering melon.
65) Make 10 cactus green.
66) Place 12 pumpkin seeds and collect 32 pumpkins.
67) Craft 10 jack 'o' lanterns.
68) Craft 8 pumpkin pies.
69) Build a snow golem.
70) Build, light and enter a nether portal.
71) Collect 50 birch logs.
72) Collect 50 jungle logs.
73) Place 8 nether warts and collect 32 nether warts.
74) Craft 8 nether wart blocks.
75) Craft 8 spectral arrows.
76) Craft 5 gold ingots.
77) Place 16 sugar cane and collect 64 sugar canes.
78) Place 5 red and 5 brown mushrooms.
79) Eat 10 mushroom stew.
80) Reach the second nether island in the west.
81) Make 64 cookies and eat 16 cookies.
82) Place 16 beetroot seeds and collect 32 beetroots.
83) Craft 10 beetroot soups.
84) Breed two cows.
85) Craft 10 item frames.
86) Craft 10 bookshelfs.


IMPORTANT: To unlock all Advanced Challenges, you have to complete all Normal Challenges.


Advanced Challenges:

1) Reach the outer island.
2) Craft 64 redstone blocks.
3) Craft 64 lapis lazuli blocks.
4) Craft 8 concrete powder from every color.
5) Craft a slime block.
6) Craft 32 repeater.
7) Craft 10 pistons.
8) Craft 10 clocks.
9) Craft 10 compasses.
10) Craft 10 empty maps.
11) Find a ocean monument.
12) Defeat a elder guardian.
13) Craft 32 sea lanterns.
14) Mine 64 diamonds.
15) Craft a complete diamond armor.
16) Craft a enchantment table.
17) Collect 32 obsidian.
18) Craft 10 tnt.
19) Trade with a villager.
20) Collect 64 emeralds from a villager.
21) Find a woodland mansion and kill a evoker.
22) Collect a totem of undying!
23) Reach the illusion island in the east.
24) Defeat the Illusioner on his island.
25) Reach the outer nether island.
26) Collect 64 magma blocks.
27) Kill a ghast with a fireball!
28) Craft 64 quartz blocks.
29) Craft 32 observer.
30) Craft 32 comparators.
31) Find a nether fortress.
32) Collect 10 blaze rods.
33) Craft 10 ender eye.
34) Craft a brewing stand.
35) Save a villager by curing a zombie villager.
36) Defeat the wither.
37) Craft a beacon.
38) Expand the beacon to maximum.
39) Find a stronghold.
40) Find the end portal and use it!
41) Defeat the dragon!
42) Collect a dragon egg.
43) Travel to the end islands.
44) Make 64 popped chorus fruits.
45) Discover a end city.
46) Kill a shulker.
47) Craft a shulker box in every color.
48) Collect a dragon head.
49) Collect a elytra.


Feel free to post pictures of your advancements and progress of your island in the comments!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q) Where can i find the Illusioner fight?
A) Go to you spawn island (x=0 y=67 z=0) and in the east (use F3 to look up the direction) on heigtht 170, you can find the Illusioner. Turn your render distance up to 12+ or higher. 

Q) I can't get the Advancement ______?
A) The following advancements must have all the requiered items/blocks in the inventory in the same itemstack:


  • All Wool advancements
  • Concrete Powder
  • Shulkerbox
  • Birch Log
  • Jungle Log
  • Bonemeal
  • Cooked Fish
  • Fisher
  • Cobblestone Slab
  • Green dye
  • Stone slab
  • Wooden slab
Q) How can I get/make _____?
A) Google is your friend! You can find anything there over Skyblock and how to get some items/blocks.

You have more questions? Then write it below in the comments!


How to install this map?

To reach your saves folder follow this instructions:


Windows XP/Vista:

Windows 7/8/10:

Users/*YourName*/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/Saves

Go to view options
Check the 'show hidden folders' box
Go to your home directory
Open '.minecraft'

Videos on how to install a custom map






File Name Status Version Downloads Date
Skyblock 1.12 Advanced v1.0 Fix R 1.12 1,301 08/07/2017
Skyblock Advanced 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
Skyblock Advanced
Skyblock Advanced

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