24w14potato translation into russian

This resource pack translates April Fools Update 24w14potato into Russian. In addition to blocks, items, etc., he also translates splashes, a potato poem (potato.txt), the text on the texture of the new painting "This is not a potato" (ceci.png) and the logo "MINECRAFT POISONOUS POTATO" in the main menu.
Fixed the texture of a potato villager with the profession of a shepherd.

Этот ресурс пак переводит первоапрельское обновление 24w14potato на русский. Кроме блоков, предметов и т.д., он также переводит сплеши, поэму картофеля (potato.txt), текст на текстуре новой картины "Это не картошка" (ceci.png) и логотип "MINECRAFT ЯДОВИТЫЙ КАРТОФЕЛЬ" в главном меню.
Исправлена текстура картофельного жителя с профессией пастуха.

24w14potato translation into russian Screenshots

24w14potato translation into russian
24w14potato translation into russian
24w14potato translation into russian
24w14potato translation into russian
24w14potato translation into russian


24w14potato translation into russian
24w14potato translation into russian

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