Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.

ATTENTION: This texture pack was NOT MY IDEA. The original cretor, Pitonixrex created the models for the allays, And then the Bedrock port was made by Parzival_, I just tweaked it so the allays don't have any legs unlike the original one or the bedrock one has. So if your intrested on any sort of model, or you just want some more awsome resorse packs (or because your horny) I suggest downloading something from Pitonixrex or Parzival_.
The original pack:
The original bedrock pack:

ALLAYS, we all know em, the item lovin' blue cutesy who will bring anything that he holds to you. But (hehe butt

Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver. Screenshots

Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.
Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.
Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.
Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.


Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.
Allay Girls No Leg Edition Bedrocco Ver.

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