That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more

This mod will add features to minecraft 1.15 but with new things and mechanics by the way Minecraft 1.17 has not yet come out but in this mod you will find axolotls, lush caves, deep caves,dripstone caves, the glow squid and moobloom with mechanics of the snapshot also I made some things that I thought it's a good idea like glowing blind effect from the glow squid. You have new mountains don't forget about that big mountains. [Working on port to 1.16.5]





Iceologer is a new illager who can spawn in "Big snowy mountains", "Snowy mountains", "Stone mountains" and "Powder snow mountains",  you can find them in small houses or walking alone at night. They have 2 ways to attack you, one is throwing ice blocks to you and the other is dropping blocks of ice on you.


Health value: 24 pts

Knockback resistance: 0.4


Ice block (throw): 0.5 power

Ice block (fall): 8 damage for one block






Throwing ice blocks



This ranged item can be obtained from iceologer.


Durability: 125 uses

Power: 0.5

Bullet damage: 3 pts

Bullet knockback: 1





 Freezed Zombie




I added this new zombie, this zombie it's like the strays are for skeletons it's another variant of zombies, you can find them with 5 variations using degradated armors or someone using an ice cube on head, the last one it's the most rarer and stronger of this zombies. You can find them on mountains or if you convert a zombie with powder snow.

Ice block



This block can interact with redstone, if they are powered this block will fall and break on ground, don't power it on your house.









It's the same as vanilla, you can put them in groups of four or above cakes. Colour variants: White - Orange - Magenta - Light blue - Yellow - Lime - Pink - Gray - Light gray - Cyan - Purple - Blue - Brown - Green - Red - Black. For cakes you can only put one of them above cakes, you can interact with flint and steel, for extinguish the fire you can use a shovel, but if they are above cakes you can extinguish them with the hand.


Dripstone caves





In this caves you can see a lot of stalagmites and stalactites. Biomes on this can be generated: Dripstone caves, Plains, Forest, Big snowy mountains.


Deepstone caves



Candles and torches can't generate in these caves, these caves can generate with sculk sensor and Warden on them, but the natural form of these caves it's like chaotic caves, with a lot of space. These caves can be generated in heights of 0 to 30, above on them it's the same as vanilla.


Sculk sensor



This block is a redstone block, it can detect some actions on players and mobs also they are wireless redstone so you can activate sculk sensors with other sculk sensor. It can detect: Throwable entities, sprint, other sculk sensors, tridents and arrows when they collide with them, entity jumps, placed blocks, entity falls, player uses a hoe, entity attacked, bucket is filled, break blocks, gem dropped, player uses item and player finished using a item. They always provide a redstone power of 10 for 2 seconds. The sculk sensor can't detect some actions if the entity is sneaking or if the entity is on wool, or if you drop wool it can detect it.





This mob is a terrifying hostile mob, don't run near them because if you make that they will follow you with considerable speed, when they are walking they are slow. Bounding box: 1.2 x 2.8, Health:150 pts, Attack damage: 18 pts. He emits constantly its glow so you can see him in the dark with a flickering light.








It's like vanilla but we have new feature. If copper it's under water the probability of oxidize it's less.


Lightning rod



This block can protect you from lightnings but it's recommended to put it above hard blocks, because the lightning will strike this block.





It's a bit different to vanilla because to use it you need to shift with this item in your main hand.


Snow powder



It's similar to vanilla snow powder, you can climb it and it can hurt you, also it can convert Zombies into Freezed Zombies and Skeletons into Strays. Use leather boots to avoid slow motion and climb it.





Goats can make high jumps and they have a probability to push living entities, if you breed them they can have 4 childs. When they are targeting for entities they can drop their horns, these animals can't get damage by stalagmites and powder snow. It has a probability a screaming goat come out.





It's easy to make stalagmites, you only need one block called stalagmite, with this block placing one after another the stalagmite will grow, don't break one of the blocks that form the stalagmites because they can't float.






They are interesting blocks because they can fall, don't break them being under them, because they would fall on you and that would hurt you, if they have stalagmites under them they can connect. When they have lava or water above them they can fill cauldrons.






Lava cauldron.- Don't swim on them

Snow powder cauldron.- This has two levels, the second level it's when the cauldron is full so use buckets for fill them with snow powder. This cauldron provides to the entity freeze effect so use leather boots if you don't want this.


Amethyst geodes




You need to mine if you want to find amethysts because amethyst clusters only can be obtained in this place, also these geodes can spawn on surface buried on ground , these geodes are like minecraft vanilla because they are made with smooth basalt, calcite, amethyst blocks and ametyhst budding block so you can mine all blocks excluding budding amethyst. Tuff and calcite aren't useful in vanilla but in this mod you can make decorative blocks,with calcite you can only make pulished calcite and with tuff you can make bricks like the real life.





This "ore" can be obtained in geodes, but they can only make small amethyst buds, so you need to wait because they can grow, only amethyst clusters can drop amethyst shards. They have 4 stages and have several rotations, they can grow around the origin block, if you have silk touch you can have amethyst clusters for your home decoration, this works with amethyst buds.




Deepslate crafts



Also you have deepslate ores and iron, gold and copper variants drops the raw version of the ore. 







This mob has some curious features, you can transport them with buckets and rename them with these items , they will attack drowneds, guardians and elder guardians if you have tropical fish in your hand. Their favourite mobs to hunt are fishes and squids. This mob has 6 colour variants you can see them on leucistic, wild, gold, black, cyan and blue. Another feature is that if they get hurt and still with 7pts of health or less they will flee to regenerate and play dead, if they are playing dead they will be ignored by the other mobs and you can't hurt them. You can obtain all the colours breeding them here you have the list:


1.- Breeding leucistic axolotls = 5% Black

2.- Breeding wild axolotls = 5% Leucistic

3.- Breeding gold axolotls = 5% Wild

4.- Breeding black axolotls = 5% Cyan

5.- Breeding blue axolotls = 5% Black

6.- Breeding cyan axolotls = 0.8% Blue


This mob has 0.6 of width and 0.4 of height all this about the hit box, they have 14 pts of health and they make 3.89 pts of damage. Bounding box (child): 0.4 x 0.3

They can stay on ground but after 5 minutes they will drown, they can find water.



In water they are a bit different.



And you can rename them with buckets






This item can be like backpacks, use right click and put 64 items on it.





This plant can be from 1 block to infinity blocks of altitude, the player can walk on the top of this plant and climb from the body to the top if you stay 2 seconds on the top the plant will make you fall, after another 2 seconds the plant will be like the begining.




This is the model for the top when it makes you fall.


Azalea trees



There are the azalea saplings, they made rooted dirt under them if they grow. These trees has 2 variants, one with flowers and the another is clean of them.


Lush hanging plants



We have some plants in lush caves, here we have spore blossom, glowberries vines and azalea hanging roots. Hanging roots are only decorative but you can craft the azalea roots block, this needs 9 of them. 

Spore blossom is a beatiful plant that can spawn particles if is day on your world, in the night they will be closed. 




Glowberries vines



They can glow only if they have glowberries on it but if they don't they will have them after a while. For pick glowberries you only need to use right click on them and the glowberries will jump from vines. For plant this just use glowberries on a block.








This new block it's like complete grass and it can be generated in lush caves, also you can find the moss blanket it's like 1 pixel o height and it makes a curious variety with the world. Also it has particles.



Lush caves 



You can enter into Lush caves if you find azalea trees, or just mine and hey you can find a lot of these beautiful decoration, this trees has an entrance so only use the vines to descend.




This cave was generated in a mountain so you can see the outside of the cave.



This is like the other cave but the outside is bigger.



This was generated underground without trees.


You can find a lot of axolotls living there if you want them take a bucket and rename it.





This isn't in game but here it comes the description of this mob, Moobloom it's like normal cow in some aspects like the health value, but it's different in another things. Moobloom can place buttercups when they walk they leave a trail of buttercups, another thing that they can make it's to have interaction with bees because the flowers will give them speed effect and if a bee it's in a square of 5x5 relatively will come heart particles on Moobloom's head. They can breed and you can interact with them with another things, like shears and bowl. Their drops are buttercups, leather, beef and horns.


Bounding box: 1.4 x 0.9

Bounding box (child): 0.7 x 0.45

Health value: 10 pts

Health value (child): 4 pts


Moobloom's helmet




Moobloom's helmet has the same special thing that can make the Moobloom, this is leave the trail of buttercups, if you run you can leave it. Actually the helmet isn't strong but is important to craft if you want unlimited yellow dye.







If bees touch buttercups they will have speed effect for some seconds, you can make yellow dye with this flowers.







There isn't milk, if you right click on Moobloom with a bowl in hand you can obtain this strange soup, also you can make another suspicious soup with buttercup.


Glow squid



This isn't in game obviously but it's beautiful xD.


The glow squid it's that aquatic glowing mob this mob it's shiny but its shine disappears for a few seconds if you hit it. 


Bounding box: 0.8 x 0.8

Health value: 15 points a little stronger than the normal squid

Defense: If you collide with them or hit or kill you can get new potion effect but it's bad for you because you will be blind and not in a conventional way

Drop: It can drop prismarine and the new item called glow ink sac


Glow ink sac




This is the central item of Glow Squid with this item you can craft the other items like Vanilla ink sac it's the same but it glows, also you can make potions with it.  (I don't know how I guessed the texture of this item).


Glow concrete powder




It's like the normal concrete powder if you put it into water it will be transformed into concrete, it glows but the converted concrete glows more.


Glow concrete



This block can't be crafted you can obtain it like the other concrete blocks with water. This block is always glowing and the texture it's animated for more realism


Glow stained glass




This is like stained glass but it glows and btw this isn't completely transparent. With this you can also make glow stained glass pane.


Glowing wool




This is like the normal wool but it glows. Can catch fire


Glowing terracota




Like normal terracota, you need to put terracota around the glowing ink sac.


Glowing glazed terracota




It's easy to obtain this block, you need to put glowing terracota in the furnace and it will be converted into glowing glazed terracota.


Glowing blindness


This is the new effect that can be used with glowing concrete and glow squid, also there are potions with this effect but you can't obtain them. If you have this effect applied you'll have blindness and not in the conventional way. Like this:




It provides you a so cool effect, this effect makes you see your world on bluish green.







You need glow ink sac and akward potions, then it's the same as vanilla to make them throwable or persistent.


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File Name Status Version Downloads Date
that_future_mod_v_4_1.jar beta 1.15 0 14/11/2020
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more
That future mod - Caves & Cliffs update + Moobloom, Iceologer & more

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