Benji Bananas

Game description: Benji Bananas:

An amusing, restless and cheerful monkey demands your intervention in collecting of a treasured delicacy – bananas. On the way your hero will have various barriers, which need to be overcome, jumping on trees, by means of ropes to get to the necessary place. To operate the monkey is very simply – touching by one finger on the screen. Collected bananas in the game Benji Bananas for Android allow to earn bonuses and updatings. You will be able to fly on a jet satchel, to get super-acceleration, and also to fly on an eagle. Our monkey looks even cooler in suits of ninja or a gas mask. Use lianas, ropes and dragons for achievement of your purpose.

Benji BananasScreenshots

Benji Bananas poster
Benji Bananas screenshot 1
Benji Bananas screenshot 2
Benji Bananas screenshot 3
Benji Bananas screenshot 4
Benji Bananas screenshot 5
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