Cut a Sheep!

Game description: Cut a Sheep!:

Tangle the Sheep! is an absorbing brain-twister in Russian. The game has two modes filled with tumultuous animal passions and sheep worries. In the first mode you will have to clip sheep, having beforehand entangled the ropes they are tied with one another. It seems to be very easy, but this is only at first sight! The puzzles become more complicated and interesting with each level. In the second mode the sheep got completely entangled in the ropes and in life. You have to disentangle the sweet animals. The task is difficult, but interesting. Except for complicated tangles there are also malicious sheep standing their rare to the screen, and will never budge regardless of how much you would ask them.

Cut a Sheep!Screenshots

Cut a Sheep! poster
Cut a Sheep! screenshot 1
Cut a Sheep! screenshot 2

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