Icy Tower 2

Game description: Icy Tower 2:

Icy Tower 2 is quite a dynamic arcade game, in which you will have to help a youth to conquer an unusually high tower jumping on platforms. You are to act quickly as the construction crashes down just in front of your eyes. As soon as the hero begins ascending to the top of the tower, the construction begins crashing down, so be ready to act as quickly as you can. In addition to being fast, you need to act accurately to get to the platform and collect all the coins. Mini-tasks are also provided in the game; make them, gain experience and raise your level. Naturally, the game has bonuses which will substantially simplify the tasks fulfillment. They are an umbrella, adhesive tape, and many others.

Icy Tower 2Screenshots

Icy Tower 2 poster
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Icy Tower 2 screenshot 5
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