Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod

Manual instalation: copy gui folder in your actual res_mods/version. Make sure you uncheck vehicle tier option from game.

If you don't use a XVM config, icons will appear mirrored. If you use a XVM config and icons doesn't appear correctly (it depends on xvm author's personal config), you can fix it editing the file sirmax.xc and/or battle.xc located in …\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\configs. You only have to change “mirroredVehicleIcons”: true, for “mirroredVehicleIcons”: false,


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
Mincrisar Military 9.20.1 R Update 9.20.1 73 21/10/2017
Mincrisar Military R Update 9.19.1 37 21/07/2017
Mincrisar_Military_9.17.1 R Update 9.17.1 34 26/02/2017
Mincrisar_Military_9.17.0.1.zip R Update 21 23/12/2016
Mincrisar Military 0.9.16 R Update 9.16 21 07/10/2016
Mincrisar Military R Update 9.15.1 139 03/08/2016
Mincrisar Military R Update 59 11/06/2016
Mincrisar Military 0.9.15 R Update 9.15 41 26/05/2016
Mincrisar Military R Update 9.14.1 63 16/04/2016
Mincrisar Military 0.9.14 R Update 9.14 51 01/04/2016
Mincrisar Military 0.9.13 R Update 9.13 115 20/12/2015
Mincrisar Military 0.9.12 R Update 9.12 66 22/11/2015
Mincrisar Military Icons R Update 9.10 127 13/09/2015
Mincrisar Military 0.9.9 R Update 9.9 56 16/07/2015
Mincrisar Military 0.9.7 R Update 9.7 60 28/04/2015
Mincrisar Military 0.9.6 R Update 9.6 109 14/02/2015
Mincrisar Military 0.9.5 R Update 9.5 92 24/12/2014
Mincrisar Military 0.9.4 R Update 9.4 98 13/11/2014
Mincrisar Military 0.9.3 R Update 9.3 169 27/09/2014
Mincrisar Military 0.9.2 R Update 9.2 108 25/08/2014
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod Update Updating Update Updating Updating
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod Update Updating Update Updating Updating
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod Update Updating Update Updating Updating
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod Update Updating Update Updating Updating
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod Update Updating Update Updating Updating
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod
Mincrisar's “Military” Icon Contour Mod

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