Coherent Villages Mod

Coherent Villages

By TheExceptionist

View of a Village


Increases the spawn rate of vanilla villages and added them to all of the biomes!

The Villager Classes:

Soldier Types - These villagers who were train to use melee weaponry to defend their homes
  • Peasants - Nothing special about these soldiers, except that they are common and expendable
  • Militia - A step up above the Peasants, better armed and trained, but still lackluster
  • Man-At-Arms - This soldier specializes in armor, having the most armor points out of all the villager soldiers, nothing to unique in terms of offensive capabilities.
  • Warrior - The Villager warriors are two things: incredibly fast and incredibly strong (Strong enough to one-shot most common mobs). Although they aren't armored pretty well, they make up for it in their high hit points.
  • Sergeant - Incredibly rare soldier type, that is sort of a balance between the Man-At-Arms and Warrior.
  • Guards - Soldiers are stationed in various parts of the village, and stand guard there. Nothing special otherwise

The Archer Types - These villagers who were train to use ranged weaponry to defend their homes
  • Archer - Standard bow using Villager, most likely to get killed out of the archer types since the prefer to fight at a closer range
  • Mage Archer - Physically weaker than the other archer types, but can use spectral arrows to outline enemies
  • Marksman - Experience archers who've trained fro a long while. The most deadly, and accurate archer type. They also have the longest range. A single shot from him can kill most mobs
  • Hunter - Not to different from the archer, expect they specialize in animal hunting

The Mage Types - These villagers who've studied the arts of magic
  • The Mage - The standard village mage type, fires volleys of fireballs in rapid succession. Quite weak physically. Also has a nasty habit of setting everything on fire, beware.
  • The Conjurer - A mage that specializes in summoning spells, has no offensive capability on it's own, although it can stop a zombie siege all on it's own.
  • The Necromancer - The most interesting archer type. Summons Skeletons to aid it in battle, and sometimes may sacrifice a bit of it's own health to summon more. It's skeleton minions often are condemned by the necromancer's allies and those allies may even target them as well.
  • The Grand Mage - The most powerful mage type, has master the art of summoning and elemental magic... And is quite physically formidable even by soldier type standards

The Alchemist Types - These villagers who've studied the arts of alchemy
  • The Undead Hunter - A alchemist who specializes in killing the undead, but only the undead. Highly effective against large groups of undead mobs, but it's limited range is a hindrance. Incredibly hard to detect unless actively looking for them, because of their invisibility potions
  • The Alchemist - Contrary to the Undead Hunter the alchemist is fairly effective against living mobs, but this sometimes can be a double-edged sword when the alchemist has allies nearby.
  • The Healer - Specializes in healing Villagers, but has no combat capacity.
  • The Potion Master - A versatile Alchemist who functions in a similar fashion all 3 other Alchemist Types, incredibly rare however.

The Knight Types - These villagers who've tamed a steed and use it in battle
  • The Cavalier - A quick, but lightly armored mounted soldier. But keep in mind that it's only lightly armored relative to the other Knight Types... It's still a lot heavier than most of the classes in the other types.
  • The Knight - A pretty well equipped Villager, given some of the best armor and weapons a Villager can afford. On top of that they also use a horse
  • The Mage Knight - Mage knight are a combination of a knight and a mage. Physically more capable then most mages, but can also use magical attacks that most knights can't. Also comes with a horse.
  • The Apothecary - An Alchemist but has a horse they can ride. Nothing else to special
  • The Horse Archer - An archer but given a horse to ride on. Incredibly effective against slower mobs.
  • The Paladin - Paladins are veteran Knights, and will defend their village to the dying breath. The most Heavily armored Villager out of all the types, incredibly hard for most mobs to even make a dent in.

The Special Types - Any villager who doesn't fall into the 5 other main types

The Merchant - Wanders around in the wild searching for riches

Adds new types of structures to make each village more unique:


Walls and Fences

Guard Towers


Hunter's Hut

Alchemy Hut


Wizard Towers

New Mechanics:

Villager Soldiers like other normal villagers do not regenerate or respawn after death. Basically all villages have a finite supply of soldiers, and there is no way (at the moment) for a village to regain anymore if all of their soldiers die. I'm hoping this actually makes it so not all villages are completely safe all the time. This is why healers are important to the survival of a village garrison. Zombies siege are STILL fairly deadly especially on higher difficulties, as villager soldiers are still turned on death.

Soldiers with special AI:

Guards - Stands guard in a single spot for the day

Peasants - Patrols during the day, rests at night

Militia - Doesn't Patrol, but searches houses frequency

Man-At-Arms & Warrior - Patrols at night

In Progress:

Add Config file for village spawns. ***Finished***

Add Wizard Tower ***Finished***

Add Alchemy Hut ***Finished***

Improve combat ai ***Finished***

Flexibility with other mod content<- Currently working on

Add Inn ***Finished***

Villager Babies can become soldier <- Currently working on

Add University <- Currently working on

Add castle <- Currently working on

Improve Merchants <- Currently working on

Improve Knights <- Currently working on

Improve custom structures

Revamp wells

Fix bugs

Fix Merchant spawning ***Finished***

Improve AI <- Currently working on


How do I install?
  • Place in the mods folder generated by forge mod loader (found within the .minecraft folder on Windows/ Minecraft folder for Mac)

I'm experiencing lag... What can I do to improve performance?
  • In the config, set merchant spawn rate to 0 (Turning them off completely)
  • Also in the config, try increasing the max distance to a larger number than before

Are you looking for texture artists or structure designs?
  • Yes, Of course. Let me know either in the comments below or on the GitHub page for my mod here.

Where can I make suggestions?
  • On the GitHub page for my mod here.

Where do I report bugs?
  • On the GitHub page for my mod here.

Can this run on a server?
  • I'm not sure, since I have tested that yet... but it should.

Can I used this mod in my modpack?
  • Of course, as long as credit is given to me (TheExceptionist)

As always, thank you for check out my mod. And I hope you enjoy it if you do download it!

Special Thanks:

Drakray, V10lator, Sunconure11 For pointing out various issues/bugs with my mod

Coherent Villages Mod Screenshots

Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod


Coherent Villages Mod
Coherent Villages Mod

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