Panda and fruits farm

Game description: Panda and fruits farm:

Panda & Fruit Farm is an Android game that asks players to help Panda harvest all of his fruits from his difficult vines and trees before pests get to them and ruin the crops. Players can help Panda by matching more than three of the same color fruit and fill up baskets at the bottom of the gameplay area. More than this however, the shapes of how people connect and make fruits will determine whether or not they get some more fruit baskets and bonus fruits that set off huge clearances of fruit and such.
We can see the baskets at the bottom of the play area which need to be filled up with fruit, but these can only take up to six pieces of fruit at a time, and players need to match four or more pieces of fruit to get another of these baskets. Each level has a score target that players will need to reach before they can progress to the next level. There are also some powerful power-ups that players can use to help boost their scores as well.

Panda and fruits farmScreenshots

Panda and fruits farm poster
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 1
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 2
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 3
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 4
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 5
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 6
Panda and fruits farm screenshot 7

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