Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command

Welcome back to another OCC! This is a command creation that I forgot to upload. In this one I changed monster spawners to be more survival friendly.

The items you can get are as follows:
-Monster spawner (With crafting recipe)
-All spawn eggs available in the creative mode inventory (With crafting recipe)

How to:

Retrieving a monster spawner:
To retrieve a monster spawner from it's location, you throw a diamond pickaxe with the enchantment Silk Touch I on it. BEWARE though that the diamond pickaxe MUST have only the Silk Touch I enchantment. No other enchantments can be on it.

Crafting a spawn egg: To obtain a spawn egg you throw a diamond and egg on top of the mob you wish to get as a spawn egg. Note though, that you can only get spawn eggs for the eggs you can get in creative mode. Warning: This will also work on tamed entities, so if you don't want a pet to be lost, be careful!

Crafting a monster spawner: Throw 8 iron bars, 1 diamond block, and 1 egg on each other to craft a monster spawner.

Setting a monster spawner's entity it spawns: Right-click the monster spawner with a spawn egg to convert the monster spawner into a spawner for that entity.
For example: Right-clicking a pig monster spawner with a zombie spawn egg turns the spawner into a zombie monster spawner.

About monster spawners:
All monster spawners you craft or retreive will turn into a pig spawner. That is so because the default monster spawner is a pig spawner. If you want further details on how monster spawners work, go here:

-Made by ClassyElm
-Used Mr. Garretto's 1.9 Command Combiner
-Used JSON Creator for Minecraft

BEFORE you spawn the module, make sure your playing in Minecraft 15w47c+(1.9) otherwise this creation won't work.
*This command does not include all monster eggs(such as zombie villager eggs, skeleton horse eggs, mule eggs, etc.)


Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command Screenshots

Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command
Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command
Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command
Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command


Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command
Advanced Monster Spawners in One Command

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