Medieval RPG Map Build

I have decided to put this build on hold for a while, and do some more smaller builds. I will still finish it in the future, I would like to do some more little stuff first

Medieval RPG Map Build

I am going to be building a large medieval map, that i will hopefully be able to turn into an adventure map. I have built one town so far, and I am planing on building more. My goal is to have different kingdoms that consist of: a few small villages/towns, a few cities, and a large main city with large castle. All my builds are my design, BUT are largely inspired by other builders like, Madness64, JamizboyMincraft and Sjin, and many others. If you have any ideas, like town and cities names, or have something I need to fix, please comment. At the time I am doing this by myself, but in the future I may seek some help, but for now I have no need of help.
My plan is to have 7 towns, 3 cities (4 including the capital) and a castle for each kingdom. It is a very large goal, and will take time to finish. But for now that is my plan.

Yoshibarratt has now joined the team!! He will add his own style to the build to make the map more diverse. Check out his other work.
In the land of Graugon, three kingdoms rule. First the largest of the three, the great Kingdom of Anama, ruled by King Allister V. Symbolized by a orange Phoenix, Allister is known for his military power in Anama. The second, the beautiful Queendom of Melonyia, ruled by Queen Xamtis. Recognized by the majestic, green Dragon on its banner. Melonyia is known for its giant mountains. And third, the strong Kingdom of Vallaren, Ruled by Lord Magista. On his banners flies a dark black raven. Vallaren's massive cities is what its known for.
The land of Graugon is in turmoil, as the three rulers battle for control of its rich lands. As well as the great magic wells that lies underneath each the Kingdoms. Who will prevail, who with fall?

The World Save includes:

The Town of Hilltop
The Town of Fishton
Fort Animus

Hilltop Includes:
Small Townhall
Inn (The Broken Shepard)
Small Barracks
A few houses

Fishton Includes:
A few small houses
A garden
Large Houses

Fort Animus Includeds:
Large Training area
Outside and Inside Kitchen
Captain's House (on top of the hill)
Small Prison (in tallest tower)
Sleeping area for Soldiers
Storage Rooms
Large Dinning Area

Next Build: City of Portalys (still in Anama)

Planned Builds:
  • Town
  • Prison
  • Small Farm away from any towns
Yoshibarret's Plan
Next Build: City of Yoshire (Anama)

Planned Builds
  • Underground Dwarven City
These will possible the next things I build, but it is not for sure

Link to texture pack: [16x, 32x, 64x, 128x, 256x][1.2] LB Photo Realism, 1.2.4 update 3 ...

Medieval RPG Map Build Screenshots

Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build


Medieval RPG Map Build
Medieval RPG Map Build

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