Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k

Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k Minecraft Map

This work is a representation of the city of Kansas City, Missouri, on a 1:1 scale with buildings, roads, trees, and vegetation derived from OpenStreetMap.

Starting from this map, individual trees within the cities will be present in-game, if traced on OpenStreetMap. In larger cities this often happens, and therefore it is possible to represent urban vegetation quite realistically.

Biomes are positioned consistently, using high-resolution land cover data.

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Map elevation and biomes images:

Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k Minecraft Map

Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k Minecraft Map

List of the biomes used:

  • Plains
  • River
  • Desert
  • Beach
  • Meadow
  • Forest
  • Flower Forest
  • Taiga
  • Mangroove Swamp
  • Swamp

It is strongly recommended to use this map together with the Fabric Seasons mod, because due to the terrain’s altitude being perpetually above 130 in Minecraft, it would constantly snow across the entire map with an unrealistic effect. Fabric Seasons, on the other hand, allows snow to be based on the season (which in turn is based on the game’s time), leading to rain in cold biomes during the summer period, and snow in warm biomes during the winter period.

The altitude of the terrain in the real world ranges from 215m to 333m asl

In Minecraft, the lowest point of the terrain on the map is at 277, while the highest point is at 395, with a vertical resolution of 1m.

Water level is at 62, while the maximum building height is 1024.

Map details:

  • Map name: Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale
  • Map size: 44803x45885
  • Map resolution: 1 block in the game corresponds to 1m in the real world
  • Map files size: - 66.7gb uncompressed, - 44.0gb compressed
  • Minecraft version: 1.18+

Data used to process the map:

  • 3DEP 1M DEM data for the Terrain Elevation
  • NLCD 2018 Land Cover at 30m resolution data for biomes positioning - cubic reinterpolation to 1m resolution
  • Open Street Map data for buildings, roads and any city element, trees, vegetation, waypoints, coastlines, rivers, streams and beaches positioning - rasterization to 1m resolution

Bugs are always possible, please report them!

In-game Screenshots:

Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k Screenshots

Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k


Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k
Real World Cities - Kansas City, USA - 1:1 scale - 45k

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