Redstone Power Probe

Redstone Power Probe

This Minecraft Mod adds a new item to the game, the Redstone Power Probe. With the power probe in hand, a player will see information about the current redstone power level of the block under their cursor. The block will be shaded red if the block is strongly powered, yellow if the block is weakly powered or not altered at all for unpowered blocks. When blocks are powered a number to be visible to the right of the cursor. This number represents the current power level of the block which can be 1 to 15.

Redstone Power Probe Recipe

Redstone Power Probe Recipe

Probe Powered Block


Right clicking with the wand in hand will cause the power probe to power the block under the cursor. The power probe can only power blocks on faces that are adjacent to an air block. When the probe is powering a block, a small redstone block will be visible on the face of the block it is strongly powering.

Strongly Powered Overlay

Strongly Powered Overlay

Weakly Powered Overlay

Weakly Powered Overlay

Redstone Visor Recipe

Redstone Visor Recipe

Players can get a more complete idea of the powered blocks around them when wearing the Redstone Visor. With the Redstone Visor equipped, all blocks within 5 blocks of the player will be shaded when powered. The shading overlay used is the same as the one used for the Redstone Power Probe, however the range is more limited and the power number is not displayed.

Restone Visor on Player


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
PowerProbe 1.11.2-2.0 B 1.11.2 +1 249 04/06/2017
Redstone Power Probe 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
Redstone Power Probe
Redstone Power Probe

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