Randores Mod

What is Randores Mod


Randores is created by Socratic_Phoenix.

Woah! 1000+ downloads! That's completely unbelievable. I never thought this little project of mine would catch on as much as it has. In addition to my amazement at the download count, I also want to assure everyone that a massive update is in the works, which will include a wide array of new items (mostly weapons), a single enchantment, and random abilities/effects for weapons/armor, as well as texture pack support.

Important Notes: 

  • Versions 1.3 and 1.4 are incompatible.
  • If you have a "textures" directory in the randores config folder, it can be deleted as of version 1.9.

Mod Review:

(this is currently the most up to date, best, english mod review (and currently does not exist), if you make a new mod review, please, please do send it over, and if it's better than the one here, I'll replace this one)


Randores is a mod that adds 16,777,216 ores to the game. Of these ores, 300 are randomly selected and added to each world. About 100 of these ores generate in each dimension.


Each of the 300 generated ores has various sets of crafting recipes. Each ore is randomly assigned a different combination of these sets (Well, technically speaking, every ore gets bricks and torches because they're aesthetic blocks... but otherwise its random). The possible item sets are:

  • Tools (Shovel, Axe, Pickaxe, Hoe)
  • Armor (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots)
  • Stick (Usable in most recipes in place of wood sticks)
  • Torches (Usable in most recipes in place of normal torches)
  • Bricks
  • Sword

Some ores may have one of these sets, others may have all of them. However, no ore will have no recipes.

Note: Items with the "test" texture are unused crafting recipe results, the items that would result from crafting recipes that were not assigned to an ore. They should not be obtainable in survival.


These two blocks are created with Craftinium Lumps, which are dropped by Craftinium Ore. Craftinium ore is pretty rare, but each one drops 24 lumps, enough to make 2 tables and 2 forges. The recipes are as expected, the table is a 2x2 square of lumps, and the forge is an 8x8 hollow square of lumps. Furthermore, surrounding a forge with craftinium lumps will produce a forge which cooks things faster.Randores materials and items must be smelted and crafted with special blocks, the Craftinium Table and Craftinium Forge (as of Randores 1.9, recipes also work in the normal crafting table, but smelting recipes do not work in the normal furnace... yet). Craftinium ore can be mined with an iron pickaxe ore better. Below are the recipes for all the items:

  • Tools: All crafted like normal tools
  • Armor: All crafted like normal armor
  • Sword: Crafted like a normal sword
  • Stick: 2 materials, next to and diagonal to each other
  • Bricks: 4 materials in a 2x2 grid
  • Torches: Any torch in the center, fully surrounded by materials


The config has two sections, "config," and "modules,".

  • config: Simple configuration options
    • orecount: Changes the amount of ores generated for each world, as well as the textures. Lowering this can lower lag. The minimum amount is 0.
    • registeredamount: Changes the amount of items registered in a game. This value is loaded when the game loads, and used to determine how many items a registered to the minecraft game. Changing this can cause problems, but if you find the mod unplayable and laggy, lowering this can greatly decrease lag. A warning, though: a world can only ever be loaded with one "registeredamount" setting, loading the same world with different amounts will virtually destroy all of your randores items. As such, change this value as a last resort.
  • modules: Modules which add small features to the mod. All of this are disabled by default, in order to preserve the vanilla feel of Randores, but enabling these (in my opinion) provides a fuller experience.
    • altar: When set to true, Randores will generate small "altars" of bricks. These altars contain a chest full of loot from the same Randores material.
    • dimensionless: When set to true, the ore generator will not check what dimension it is in before generating. Ores that are set in stone will still generate in stone, ores set in netherrack will still generate in netherrack, and ores set in end stone will still generate in end stone. Ores will, however, generate in other dimensions which contain these blocks.
    • dungeonloot: When set to true, randores items will be generated in vanilla dungeon chests, including the mob spawner chests, village chests, stronghold chests, pyramid chests, minecraft chests, and nether fortress chests.
    • mobequip: When set to true, some mobs will spawn with randores armor and weapons
    • starterkit: When set to true, players will receive a random set of randores armor and weapons when the spawn.
    • youtubemode: When set to true, the spawn rates of ores and altars will be greatly increased, making it much easier to make a mod review.


Current supported languages:

  • English, by me
  • German, by ACGaming 

If you are interested in translating Randores, contact me [email protected].


Texture credits:

  • The shard ore, circular gem ore, and dust ore textures are all by Andyghandi

Textures are automatically generated from templates, however, you can change those templates. As of right now, only the vanilla textures are available, but I do plan on creating resource packs for Randores to go along with other resource packs. Contact me [email protected] if you are interested in making randores compatible with a certain resource pack. (Note: resource pack functionality is not fully implemented yet, but it will be soon)


I couldn't stop you if I wanted... The code is licensed under the MIT license, which basically says "you can use this however you want, as long as you include this license." I would, however, appreciated it if you gave me credit and linked to this post (linking to this post counts as "including the license").

Planned Features:

  • Resource packs (In the works)
  • Tinker's Construct integration (requires Tinker's to update)
  • Bows, magic wands, and more
  • "Ability" system: Ores will get random abilities that are effective in some items, like the bow and wand. 
  • "Property" system: Ores will get random properties, like flammable, to add more uses


I am open to any suggestions for this mod! Feel free to suggest new crafting recipes or new items. However, do be aware that I wrote this mod specifically for a friend and I, so if he and I don't like the suggestion, for some reason, it probably won't be added. We will keep an open mind though.


Randores versions are structured simply, .[-Pre]. The first number is the major version, while the next number is the minor version. Alpha versions are suffixed with -pre.


  • 1.11
    • Translation fix
  • 1.10
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.9
    • Some more balancing tweaks
    • Added encased torches
    • Updated texture & model system, meaning great performance improvements
    • Removed texture caching - this may seem like a bad decision, but the new way of generating the textures is actually faster than loading them from disk...
    • Removed models from the .jar file, making it nice and small
    • Made Randores textures properly reload whenever minecraft reloads resources
    • Made craftinium forge upgradable (simply surround a forge with craftinium lumps)
    • Made crafting recipes work in normal crafting table - possible due the data system introduced in 1.4
    • Tried to add smelting recipes to normal furnace, failed miserably
    • Updated WAILA information, made forge show pretty progress bars in the tooltip
    • Made recipes show up in JEI
  •  1.8
    • Huge balancing fixes
    • Texture updates
    • Modules
  •  1.7
    • Added orecount config property
  • 1.6
    • Changed data handling
    • Code cleanup
  • 1.5
    • Added German translations by ACGamer
    • Bug fixes
  •  1.4
    • Some balancing
    • Added translations
    • Made harvest levels actually work
  • 1.3
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.2
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.1
    • Removed DarkOre
    • Changed names algoritm
    • Made efficiency an int
    • Made lore describe materials
    • Fixed bugs
    • Made hoes not behave like swords
  •  1.0
    • Initial version


  • Randores is compatible with WAILA
    • However, WAILA Harvestibility is not compatible with Randores. When using WAILA harvestibility, use the harvest information from randores when mining randores ores.
  • Randores is compatible with JEI

How to install Mod:

(1) Install the version of Minecraft Forge that corresponds with the mod

(2) Download the Mod.

(3) Drop the entire zipped file into your mods folder (Search %appdata% on your PC then go into .minecraft, then mods(create this folder if it is not there))

(4) Open Minecraft and make sure your profile is set to Forge

(5) Start Minecraft and enjoy!


File Name Status Version Downloads Date
Randores-2.0.0-Pre2.jar alpha 1.12 616 06/09/2017
randore-1.12.jar release 1.11.2 5,119 15/07/2017
Randores-2.0.0-Pre3.jar alpha 1.12.1 3,847 12/10/2017
Randores Mod 1.20.2 Updating 1.20.2 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.20.1 Updating 1.20.1 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.20 Updating 1.20 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.19.2 Updating 1.19.2 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.19.1 Updating 1.19.1 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.19 Updating 1.19 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.18 Updating 1.18 Updating Updating
Randores Mod 1.17.1 Updating 1.17.1 Updating Updating
Randores Mod Forge Updating Forge Updating Updating
Randores Mod Fabric Updating Fabric Updating Updating
Randores Mod
Randores Mod

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