The Time Machine Hidden Object

Game description: The Time Machine Hidden Object:

An absorbing game The Time Machine Hidden Object will let you travel through time and watch a lot of interesting events. The plot of the game resembles Hollywood movies very much and is developed amazingly. The Time Machine Hidden Object is a kind of mixture of Hidden objects genre and quest. During the game and your time travel you will see Ancient Egypt, plunge into the mystical world of Middle Ages, and visit the technological future and many other places. The soundtracks will help you to completely immerse into the atmosphere of suspense. But do not forget about your main mission. You have to visit different times to find parts of defective machine and prevent the apocalypse. George Einwin commits suicide being in despair. But the day before his death he meets his assistant. Full of guilt, the Professor claimed to have activated a chain reaction of uncontrollable events that would destroy the humanity and would leave the Earth close to the end. Filby gets to the lab of his professor and discovers a time machine; at that time his fascinating journey begins.

The Time Machine Hidden ObjectScreenshots

The Time Machine Hidden Object poster
The Time Machine Hidden Object screenshot 1
The Time Machine Hidden Object screenshot 2
The Time Machine Hidden Object screenshot 3
The Time Machine Hidden Object screenshot 4
The Time Machine Hidden Object screenshot 5

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