

ResearchBodies is a mod that adds the functionality of tracking celestial bodies to explore them. When you start a new save, you have to choose a difficulty preset (that sets celestial bodies that are shown from the start) and values for research and discovery costs. This mod's original Author @simon56modder has handed the reigns over to me to maintain support and develop his work going forward due to Real Life commitments. Big thanks to him and to the other contributers below for making this mod happen. His original Thread can be found here. (Please NOTE parts of this code written by JPLRepo are All Rights Reserved as per the license information in the Code headers).

What this Mod does, or how to use this mod: This mod will Make Celestial Bodies invisible at the start of a new game. You can change which celestial bodies are visible by default by changing the difficulty setting in the Difficulty Settings Menu. This mod should be played in Career mode as it offers contracts.

At the beginning of a game you can only see a few bodies. First you have to gain enough funds to upgrade your Tracking Station to Level 2. This will unlock the Observatory Facility. - Yes this mod adds a new Facility to the KSC that acts like a stock facility (destructible and upgradable). Entering the Observatory you can find out information about the Celestial Bodies you know about, or what research level you are up to for discovered bodies. (This UI is still a placeholder and will be updated soon! - will also be upgraded to show information about ResearchBodies contracts).

You will be offered contracts to Search the Skies via the Observatory - or via a Telescope. This mod comes with it's own infrared telescope, but also modifies the stock infrared telescope (That has been included from Asteroid Day). You can also install my TarsierSpaceTechnology Telescopes which also integrate with this mod and perform in a similar way (But also can take pictures of the celestial bodies and you can see their details become progressively clearer as you research celestial bodies).

Yes that's right - This mod also alters the physical characteristics of the celestial bodies. So when you first discovery them they are just a grey blob. As you progressively research them they will progressively become clearer. This mod also alters the Mapview/Tracking Station so you cannot see celestial bodies you know nothing about. And gradually as you research more about them, things like their characteristics and orbits, etc become known to you.

Finding a Celestial Body:- You can a) randomly point your telescopes at the sky and try to scan and find bodies. b) accept Search the Skies contracts and complete them.

Researching a Celestial Body:- You can a) point telescopes at bodies and scan them (or take photos of them if you also have TarsierSpaceTechnology mod installed). b) accept Research Body contracts and complete them. When the research state reaches 100%, you can finally go to this body and you earn science!

If by pure stroke of luck (or not :wink:) you manage to encounter a previously unknown body in flight, or one that has not had it's research completed, the body will be automatically discovered and have all it's research completed.

Localisations (translations)

20px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_%283-5%29.svg.png English - langfr-20px-Flag_of_France.svg.png Français - 20px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png Español

This mod previously supported the above languages. And still does. From KSP 1.3 English and Spanish is supported by default when you select those languages via KSP. For French however, you need to go into the Difficulty Settings for ResearchBodies and manually select French as the language.

This mod also can support the other KSP 1.3.0 supported languages - but has not been translated at this stage. Volunteers for translation to Russian, Japanese, Chinese more than welcome.



The Observatory Facility - Fully integrated with stock.

<img src="" alt="" width="313" height="320" /><img src="" alt="" width="327" height="246" />

The Observatory Inside.


Bodies are Unknown and their orbits are unknown at the start of a new game even in the Map View and Tracking Station.
Once discovered you need to research them to discovery more about them such as their orbits and visual information.

Progressively discover the details of the planets.




See your progress and conduct Research Programs on bodies you have found.

Difficulty Options:

Difficulty options can be set via the stock Difficulty Options screens when starting a new game or via the mini settings menu in game.


Future Expansion Ideas:

- Proper UI for the Observatory.
- Improve and finalize the Contracts.

- Further work/tweaks and improvements to the Progressive CelestialBody Maps including support for SCANsat.
- KSPedia pages (instead of a WIKI).




Install Instructions:

Dependency: You must have installed (NOW included in this package). Module Manager
Completely delete REPOSoftTech\ResearchBodies and REPOSoftTech\ProgressiveCBMaps folders from GameData before updating from a previous version.
As of V1.8 the install folder location has been changed. Please ensure you remove \GameData\ResearchBodies folder if you have one in your install.
Download and install Contract Configurator Mod (This is required).
Un-zip into your GameData folder.


Other Mods Supported:
Tarsier Space Technology (TST) - You MUST have V6.8 or UP of TST.
TST will modify it's Telescopes to also act the same as the TB-75M telescope.
Will not offer it's contracts for Bodies you have not fully discovered.
TST telescopes can also qualify for ResearchBodies contracts, find and research bodies through using it's telescope cameras and taking pictures.
Contract Configurator Is absolutely required for ResearchBodies to work and also knows about Undiscovered bodies and bodies not fully researched when offering contracts. - You MUST have V1.16.0 or UP of CC).

Integration for other mods:
 WIKI pages.
For further info, questions, and if you want to integrate to ResearchBodies and/or the Progressive CelestialBodies Maps features of this mod drop me a PM or find me lurking on IRC.

Known Issues:

  • With Planet packs loading the Tracking Station can be a bit slow.

For support please ensure you are following these instructions.

When I ask for a LOG I mean this LOG:

  1. The Logs
    These are text files that the game spits out for debugging purposes as it runs; if something broke horribly in-game, there will be something in here about it. You should upload the entire log as a file (i.e. not to pastebin); you can use dropbox or an equivalent host to upload the file. Make sure the entire file gets uploaded; you may have to zip it first, as logs can be very long. Here is where you can find the log:
    • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit)
    • Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )
    • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods.
Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains.



V1.9.2 - For KSP 1.3.0 Major release and enhancements
*Fixed typo in locales for Characteristics and Orbit in UI.
*Added Observatory SpaceCenter Facility. Yes - this Facility acts exactly like a stock one. It has TWO upgrade levels that provide different features, functions and contracts for Finding an Researching
celestial bodies.
*New Game and Settings for this mod are now accessed via the Stock Difficulty Settings for new game and existing game.
*Fixes issue with Contract Configurator.
*Fixes integration with TST (V6.6 and above).
*Bodies occluding the telescopes are taken into account when searching for new bodies.
*Capped Research Percentage at 100%
*Amended Contract processing to use Weighting System override in KSP 1.2.1 so that contracts should not be generated for undiscovered bodies.
*Fixed GUI for when Research State is < 10%.
*Added pop-up menu when a body is found in flight.
*Integrated Contract Configurator mod for ResearchBodies Contracts. Contract Configurator mod is now a dependency and must be installed alongside this mod.
*You can no longer just click and research bodies from the Observatory. You must complete contracts or find and research them via the telescopes.
*Full 1.3.0 Localization/Language support. Game is translated into French and Spanish. To access French, as it is not supported by KSP yet, you have to go into the
*  difficult settings and select French manually. For all other languages simply set your language for KSP to your language.
* Note - Mod support Russian, Japanese, Chinese - but has not been translated at this stage. Contract text is not translated to French or Spanish currently.
* You now have to use contracts or Telescopes to advance research on celestial bodies (no more just click in the UI).
* Changed default research and science values - to something a bit more balanced.
* Celestial Bodies that you have not discovered no longer appear in the Mapview or Tracking Station; icons do not appear and tab, alt-tab do not work for undiscovered bodies.
* If you also use TarsierSpaceTechnologies Telescopes you need to update it to V6.8
V1.8.0 (07-10-2016) ==
*Re-factored so much of the code... Under the hood now uses Scenarios to automatically save and load the game state to the persistent.sfs file.
*If you have an old researchbodies.cfg file in your save folder V1.8.0 will read it and convert it into the new format,save your game into the persistent.sfs file and
delete the old savegame file (researchbodies.cfg).
*Moved Mod Folder from \GameData\ResearchBodies to \GameData\REPOSoftTech\ResearchBodies. Please ensure you remove any \GameData\ResearchBodies folders from your install.
*The database file and locales files remain as the default settings for new games.
*Fixed a whole bunch of little bugs along the way (both real and potential).
*Re-factored how the Discovery mechanism works. So no more clicking forever, but still some randomness. There was a potential bug that meant the more
you clicked and didn't find anything the less likely you would on following clicks, which only reset when you changed game scene.
*Science reward for finding a body with the telescope is now the base science reward (that you get in the Observatory) PLUS the science reward that is
set in the config file for each telescope part.
*Some more screen messages, eg: When you don't actually have enough EC to scan for bodies (previously you got no indication that was the problem).
*Fixed the Part Menu - messages now display correctly for when you discover and don't discovery bodies. Also added a list of the already
discovered bodies to the Menu so you can see what bodies have been discovered and it will update when you do discovery new bodies in flight.
*The ResearchBodies part action button (right click menu) is now disabled (not visible) if ResearchBodies is not enabled in current save file. eg: sandbox game and config has enableinsandbox = false.
*Ignored/Auto-discovered Bodies (based on difficulty setting at start of new game) also display these automatically in the Observatory menu.
*If you enter the SOI of a previously un-discovered Body or a Body that has not been fully researched it will now be automatically discovered and
it's Research Program will be fully completed. Might look to change this in a future version to auto-discover but depending on the vessel type
(Probe or manned/kerballed) set the research percentage to a more appropriate amount and perhaps require the vessel to remain in SOI to
increase the research percentage over time. (But that's for a FUTURE version).
*Input (keyboard) Control locks are set on for new games until you select your new game settings. (can't use menus, flight, etc).
*Compatible with Asteroid Day for KSP 1.1.3 update.
*NOW the BIG one:- Progressive CelestialBody visibility is now included. Yes the celestial bodies will start with very low detail in flight and
in the tracking station. As you find them and research them, the details become clearer. This is still very basic functionality. Plan to expand this
greatly to include other mod integration like SCANsat scanning to provide the final levels of details.

V1.7.2 (06-01-2016) ==
*Changed Contract cancellation (when a contract is generated for a body not yet discovered) to Withdraw instead of Cancel. 
This will not penalise reputation.
*Fixed bug where above code was causing issues when cancelling contracts making the Mission Control building inaccessible.
*Ignore Bodies with Radius < 100m (Sigma/Binaries in Kopernicus)and handles barycenter/orbits of sigma binaries.
*Added support for Blizzy Toolbar (can switch between Stock AppLauncher Icon and Toolbar in the Settings Menu - However, it does not save this setting between game sessions - next version).
*Re-factor and clean-up of the code started.
*If Kopernicus is installed changes the range of the telescope to 540 million kilometers. (standard is 100 million kilometers).
*Added ability to do Tooltips to the GUI windows (Have only added a few for now, more to come).
*Changed the in-flight Telescope - ResearchBodies window to indicate the EC usage each time you press the Search button.
*Added a message to the in-flight window to indicate if there are bodies within the angle of the telescope but are to far away for the telescope to detect them.
*Fixed issues with Kopernicus installed and actually discovering celestial bodies.
*Moved cache data into /ResearchBodies/Plugins/PluginData to avoid resetting Module Manager cache load on startup when these files change.
V1.7.1 (05-10-2016) ==
*Fixed errors with V1.7 using deprecated RenderingManager calls causing Part to break KSP.
*Added KSP-AVC version checking.
v1.7 (05-04-2016) ==
*Updated for KSP 1.1.2
*ResearchBodies window can be opened even if tracking station is level 1, however its features aren't useable.
*Added hover text for ResearchBodies icon
*ModuleManager is now version 2.6.24
v1.6 (01-27-2016) ==
*Added JPLRepo's code in order to make a compatibility between TST and ResearchBodies
*Tweaked telescope stats
*Builded with 1.0.5
*ModuleManager is now version 2.6.18
*Happy new year
v1.5 (10-10-2015) ==
*Added difficulty selection panel on game save start
*Added Spanish locale
*Tweaked telescope stats
v1.4 (08-26-2015) ==
*New telescope model made by forum user Well
*Complete overhaul of the tracking process :
  *first find a celestial body in space with the telescope
  *then go back to the space center, launch a research plan for this body.
  *when the research state is 100% you can launch vessels to it
*Added Wernher von Kerman portrait to space center UI
*Added Locale system
*Added French locale
*finding bodies with the telescope now rewards science
*ModuleManager is now version 2.6.7
*API accessibility for other mods
*tweaks on telescope stats
v1.3 (07-27-2015) ==
*Tracking bodies with telescope now requires looking in the direction of the body to track
   --> NOTE : still needs to be under the 75 millions km radius
*Added texts on body discovery
*Tracking station now requires being level 2 or 3 in order to track (configurable to allow tracking with level 1)
*Removed space field UI, back to button
v1.2.2 (07-07-2015)==
*Fixed priority set for Kopernicus mods
v1.2.1 (07-06-2015)==
*update source
v1.2 (07-05-2015) ==
*Better UI
*Tweaks on TB-75M stats
*Possibility for modders to remove bodies from the ignore list using '!body'
v1.1 (07-03-2015) ==
*Added TB-75M Telescope part
  *tracking using the telescope does not cost science/funds!
*Improved tracking process
  *better internal logic
  *tweaked priorities
  *harder than before
*Reduced science cost
*The higher your tracking station level the better the tracking process is
*Added ModuleManager (for AsteroidDay official mod compatibility)
*Corrected small problem with curse forge
*updated source
v1.0 (07-02-2015) ==
*Initial Release

 Current Contributors (V1.7.1 above):
@JPLRepo : All code changes, packaging, distribution and support.

@simon56modder : French locale

@fitiales : Spanish locale



This mod's original Author @simon56modder has handed the reigns over to me to maintain support and develop his work going forward due to Real Life commitments.
Big thanks to him and to the other contributers below for making this mod happen. His original Thread can be found here.


Original Contributors (up to V 1.7):
: Original Code, French and English locale
@Well : Telescope model and texture
@fitiales : Spanish locale
: code made for compatibility with Tarsier Space Technologies


File Name Status Version Downloads Date R 1.7.1 747 23/06/2019 R 1.6.1 +1 1,139 17/02/2019 R 1.5.1 +1 563 09/12/2018 R 1.4.1 1,556 20/03/2018 R 1.3.1 2,509 07/10/2017 R 1.3 754 14/08/2017
ResearchBodies V1.8.1 R 1.1.3 1,377 30/07/2016
ResearchBodies 1.7.5 Updating 1.7.5 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.7.4 Updating 1.7.4 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.7.3 Updating 1.7.3 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.7.2 Updating 1.7.2 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.7 Updating 1.7 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.6.1 Updating 1.6.1 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.6.0 Updating 1.6.0 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.5.1 Updating 1.5.1 Updating Updating
ResearchBodies 1.5 Updating 1.5 Updating Updating

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